Get to Work!

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Kokichi and Shuichi walk into the class room five minutes before the bell. Sighing with relief, Shuichi looks at Kokichi. The ultimate supreme leader winks at him while falling back into his chair.

"See Shumai! We were juuust fine~" he smiles, looking to the clock on the classroom wall.

"I guess so," Shuichi responds, also sitting in his chair.

"So, are you gonna be nice to me now?" Kokichi asks in a puppy like tone. He's laying on the desk with his arms outstretched and cheek against the desk.

"If you mean if I'll be working with you, then yes, I will,"

"Yaaay!" The child like boy cheers. Shuichi smiles at him. Kokichi was still wearing his hat. Watching Kokichi made something inside Shuichi flutter. Is it the fact that he basically stole his hat? Is it that he actually did some work on the project? Or was it just because it was Kokichi? Shuichi wasn't sure. All he knew was that... he wanted to keep working with Kokichi on this project.

"Hey Shuichi," A voice says from behind. Shuichi turns slightly in his chair to see Rantaro. "Kokichi,"

"Heya Rantaro!" Kokichi smiles, tipping back in his chair.

"When you didn't show up at your normal time, I was afraid you weren't gonna be here today. I would've had to work without you," Rantaro sighs, looking at Shuichi.

"Oh yeah. Kokichi almost made me late," Shuichi laughs, glancing at the purple haired boy. Kokichi makes a fake pouty face at Shuichi's comment before smirking. "Also, I don't need you to work with me anymore,"

Rantaro's face drops a little at that. "Really?"

"Yup! I did all the work and now Shudickcheese has to make it up!" Kokichi blabs.

"What did you just call me?"

"Well, I'm glad it worked out for you two," Rantaro chuckles, hands on his hips. "Have fun~" Abruptly, Rantaro was ends the conversation and walks back to his desk. That was a little weird...

Shuichi turns back around in his chair to face the front of the room.

The bell rings loudly and the teacher takes role like usual. Then, she lets the class go to work with their partners. Once she was done talking, Kokichi had already plopped himself down in a chair across from the ultimate detective's desk.

"Let's get to work Shumai!" He says in an enthusiastic voice. 'Shumai' smiles back in return, happy that he could actually work on the project. He gets out supplies for the project from his bag and the two begin to work. Focused, they work in a comfortable silence, with the exception of background chatter from their peers. Shuichi works as hard as he can, determined to do some actual work.

The duo works together quietly, but after a while, Kokichi decides to break the silence with a question that had been on his mind for a while.

"Did you and Rantaro work together over the weekend?" Kokichi asks in a cheery voice, though he wasn't too cheery about the question he'd just asked.

"Huh? Yeah I guess we did. Why?" The detective says, not really paying attention. That aggravated Kokichi for some reason. He felt a pitch in his heart, almost like it was being strangled. Was he having a heart attack!? No... that's not it...

"I dooon't knooow. I just saw him when I came oveeer. Were you... ya know.." Kokichi's heart was being suffocated, but he couldn't let Shuichi see that. No way Jose!

Kokichi makes a prerogative motion with hands. Seeing that, Shuichi turns a bright shade of red. He starts swinging his arms around frantically.

"W-what?! Why would you say that?" He says panicky. This makes Kokichi giggle. He loved to tease Shuichi. He didn't know why, but teasing Shuichi was just way more fun than anyone else! Maybe Shumai had captured his heart!

Kokichi smiles at the thought. Kokichi isn't a complete idiot. Of course he knew what the pinching in his heart meant. He just didn't want to admit it to himself. At least not yet.

"Kokichi?" The supreme leader snaps out of his thoughts to the detective waving his hand in front of his face. Kokichi smirks a lying smirk at him, as to not raise concern.

"Sorry Shumai! I was just thinking about your ahoge!" Kokichi lies. He suddenly ends the conversation by looking away from Shuichi and writing down some random gibberish for their project.

Shuichi just shrugs and continues writing. Oh Shumai.. you're not a very good detective are you?!

Kokichi continues "working" but before he knew it, the bell had rang and Shuichi had begun packing up his stuff. Kokichi sat in his chair for a few seconds, watching the detective. He was sad. He wanted to keep spending time with Shuichi. He had been having so much fun and he didn't want to leave him alone.

"Shuichi, where do you eat lunch~?" Kokichi asks, latching onto the blue haired boy's arm.

Clearly uncomfortable, Shuichi clears his throat and says, "In the back of the cafeteria. Why?"

Kokichi beams. "Okie! See you at lunch then!"

"Huh? W-wait!" Shuichi stutters but Kokichi ignored him, skipping out of the room and humming to himself.

Oooh, this was going to be fun!

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