A Declaration of War

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"Annnyway, I'm gonna go inside. See you in class Shumaiii~" He says, winking to the already flustered Shuichi. The supreme leader grins to himself as he starts to skip to class.

Kokichi hums as he trots down the hall, thinking about the past week. Suddenly, someone knocks into him. The purple haired boy falls to the ground in surprise.

"Oouch," Kokichi whines, looking to who had knocked into him. His mood shatters. The person he had ran into was the one and only Rantaro.

"Oh sorry Kokichi. Are you okay?" The ultimate survivor asks, reaching his hand out.

"I'm fine. Get your avocado hands away from me," Kokichi responds coldly, ignoring his hand and getting up on his own. He tries to walk away, but Rantaro grabs his shoulder.

"Wait... Can I talk to you?" Rantaro questions.

"No," Kokichi answers bluntly, swatting his hand away.

"Aw don't be like that. Please Kokichi?" The green haired boy asks again, sincerity in his voice. Kokichi turns to look at Rantaro to see the sincerity also plastered on his face. However, Kokichi wasn't entirely convinced.

"Okay," Kokichi sighs, crossing his arms. What does this loser have to say?

"I'm sorry... for what I said to you yesterday," he says, playing with his necklace. Kokichi raises an eyebrow.

"It's just that... I get jealous pretty easily," Rantaro smirks.

There it is.

"Welp, that sucks!" Kokichi laughs, turning to continue his walk to class.

"Just seeing the look of distress on my Shuichi makes me angry. You understand, right?" The green haired boy continues, hands on his hips like he was lecturing a child. Kokichi stops and spins on his heels so he was facing Rantaro again.

"Your Shuichi? Hmmm, now does he know about that?" Kokichi retorts in a sarcastic innocent voice, putting a finger to his mouth.

"Oh, he will... once I make him my boyfriend," That crushes Kokichi's heart.

"Waddya mean?" He asks, maintaining the playfulness in his voice.

"Exactly what I said," Rantaro says with a devilish smirk.

Kokichi didn't know what to say. Rantaro... likes Shuichi? No way! Shuichi would never like someone like Rantaro anyway. Not that it mattered. Why was he so worried?

"Why're you telling me this?" Kokichi glares. Rantaro smiles a sweet smile.

"I see the way you look at him Kokichi. You have a crush on my Shu and that's a big problem. I just needed to let you know your place," The green haired boy says in a snake like manner.

Kokichi blinks. He looks away from Rantaro to sees Kaito and Maki running down the hall, but no Shuichi in sight. Someone had finally said it.

Kokichi isn't an idiot. He knew these feelings were brewing. The fact that he had worked all weekend to make up for a weeks worth of a project just to get Shuichi to talk to him again. How he felt when he saw Shuichi and Rantaro chatting together at the lunch table How he felt when Shuichi refused to let Kokichi give that girl his number. It proof enough.

However, was Kokichi even ready to admit it to himself? What if he did and he was lied to again? What if the same thing that happened before happened again? What if he lost Shuichi forever? He didn't want Shuichi to leave him. But then again...

The supreme leader looks back at Rantaro. Did he really want to let go of Shuichi that easily? Kokichi laughs. No way... absolutely not!

"Pfffft hahahaha! Aw man, you really are funny Rantaro!" The purple haired boy laughs, stepping toward the other boy."I think you've got things mixed up. It's me letting you know your place. Stay away from Shumai, okay?"

Kokichi smiles a devious grin. Rantaro looks Kokichi up and down, his mouth morphing into sadistic smile.

"Alright Kokichi. You just declared a war," Rantaro says in a raspy voice. "May the best man win,"

"U-uh, what're you two doing?" A questioning voice asks from behind Rantaro. Kokichi snaps out of the trance he was in and peeks behind the survivor to see a concerned Shuichi.

"Awww thanks for apologizing Ran Ran! I forgive you!" Kokichi improvises, smacking Rantaro hardly on the shoulder.

Kokichi walks past confused Rantaro over to Shuichi and grabs his arm.

"Oh yeah.. I'm sorry to you to Shuichi," Rantaro says, catching on.

"We'll be going now! Buh-bye!" Kokichi gives a small wave before dragging the confused Shuichi to class.

"What was that?" The detective questions.

"What was what?"

"That exchange... It seemed aggressive?" Shuichi says, his free hand to his to his chin.

"It wasn't! Everything's okay now!" Kokichi smiles, giving the detective's arm a little squeeze.

Shuichi flinches a little, but continues interrogating. "But it doesn't seem like you to forgive someone that easily,"

Kokichi thinks to himself. He's right...

It probably wouldn't be smart to tell Shumai about what Rantaro said. Kokichi beams. He had the perfect lie!

"It isn't, but I know Shumai would be sad if I didn't get along with his friends, so I put it behind me!" The liar says, putting a finger to his lips.

Shuichi blinks for second before turning a slight tint of red. "O-oh, I see. That was... nice of you," He says awkwardly.

Kokichi smiles. It looks like Shuichi was too flustered to really think too much about it. But...

He had to make sure~

Kokichi pulls the detective closer him. Shuichi gasps and tries push the little leader away.

"Kokichi! Stop!" The blue haired boy mumbles, trying to resist the supreme leader's cuddles. "W-why're you being so weird?"

Kokichi just smiles.

"Sorry Shumai! I guess you'll just have to get used to it!" He thinks to himself.

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