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"I have to tell you something," the detective says.

Shuichi takes a deep breath as he prepares to tell Kokichi his feelings.

"Actually, can I talk first?" Kokichi interrupts.

"Uh... yes, of course," Shuichi says, nervousness bubbling up inside him.

"Okay," He says before turning back to look at the water below. He sighs. "...I think you broke me Shuichi,"


"I think... being around you has made me a more truthful person... and I don't like that!" Kokichi says. "I'm feeling things I don't like, like jealously and sadness and... love. Everything was easier when I could just lie!"

"...I-I'm sorry?"

"Don't be sorry you dumbass!" Kokichi shouts. Shuichi can't tell if he's joking or not. "'Cause I'm also feeling things I like, like joy and freedom and... love and those things are pretty nice! So Ima just tell you everything! No more lies!"


"...Um..," Kokichi goes quiet. "...Remember when I told you I used to come here with my dad?"

Shuichi nods.

"...uhm... that was before he left. Well, disappeared actually. He didn't go to get the milk or anything like that!" Kokichi says with an awkward laugh. He doesn't take his eyes off the water as he twiddles his thumbs. "He... always told us we had enough money. Always said we were stable. Always said he was taking loans from good people. Welp, guess what? He was lying! He lied to me... about our debt... about the threats... about the trouble he was in... And just like that, he was gone..," Kokichi sighs. He wipes away tears that were welling in his eyes. "And there ya go! Daddy issues!"

"I-I'm so sorry Kokichi," Shuichi says. He takes a step toward the supreme leader.

"It's not your fault..," Kokichi says. "It just... messed me up I guess. My dad left and now I got trust issues! Yaaay..! ...I guess it just explains why I pushed you away... I'm... afraid you're gonna leave me, like my dad..,"

The supreme leader looks up at the detective.

"I'm sorry I pushed you away," he says, his voice cracking slightly. Overwhelming pain fills Shuichi's heart.

"It's okay Kokichi... I... won't leave you. I promise I'll stay with you. Through thick and thin, I'll stay by your side. Even if you push me away, if you get mad at me, if you ignore me, I'm yours. I... love you Kokichi and I'll stay with you... no matter what,"

The words fall from Shuichi's mouth before he can think, but it doesn't matter. He knows what he's saying is the truth and he wouldn't take his words back for the world.

Kokichi stares at Shuichi for a moment. A light shade of pink brushes over the leader's cheeks.

"You... love me?"

"Yes," Shuichi nods. He feels his face heating up.

The supreme leader stares at him a bit longer before tearing his eyes away to look at the water. "No you don't..,"


"You don't love me Shuichi. You're just... confused," Kokichi mumbles.

"W-what? No I'm not!" Shuichi says frantically.

"...What about Rantaro? Didn't he confess to you?" Kokichi asks.

"Yes, but we talked about it and he knows my feelings are with you!" Shuichi says. "I lo-"

"Stop lying!" Kokichi shouts. "...You don't love me Shuichi. You don't! ...How could you love a lying piece of shit like me..?"

"You're not a piece of shi-"

"Just go away Shuichi..," Kokichi sighs. A tear falls down his cheek as he rests his head against the bridge. "I don't want to talk to you anymore..,"


No! This wasn't supposed to happen! A weight heavier than anything Shuichi could've imagined is put on his heart. Despair fills him from head to toe as he watches Kokichi's tears run down his face.

"I think you just gotta show him you won't hurt him and things with work out,"

That's it! He just needed to show Kokichi he wouldn't hurt him! But... how could he do that?

An idea strikes.

Shuichi walks up to the supreme leader.

"What no-" Kokichi doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Shuichi grabs his shoulders and pulls him into a kiss.

He realizes three things.

One, Kokichi is much softer than he expected. His lips are as soft as clouds and his breath is warm against his skin. He tastes like Panta and smoke, which doesn't sound good, but it fits Kokichi perfectly. The detective could feel all the muscles in his body relax. Its pure bliss... until he realizes...

Two, Shuichi had no idea what he was doing. He notices how awkwardly his lips are smashed against Kokichi's, but he's too scared to move. He also realizes that he's holding his breath and quickly running out of air. But worst of all...

Three, Kokichi is as stiff as a rock. The kiss had lasted about four seconds now and Kokichi hadn't moved an inch. Shuichi opens his eyes slightly to see Kokichi staring back at him with wide eyes. A wave of guilt washes over him as he quickly pulls away.

"Ah! Sorry! I should've asked! Ah, ugh! No! Sorry! Oh my God! I am so sorry!" Shuichi rambles. His face is hot with a mixture of embarrassment and being flustered. "I can't believe I just did that! I'm so sorry Kokichi! Ah! Uhm... Can I make it up to you? I can-"

Shuichi is cut of by the supreme leader jumping into his arms. Kokichi wraps his arms around the detective's neck and pulls him in for kiss. Shuichi finds his hands on Kokichi's waist as he's pushed into the side of the bridge. He doesn't hesitate to kiss him back.

After a long kiss, Kokichi pulls away with a smile.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," he says, before going in for another kiss.

The Love Project (ShuichixKokichi)Where stories live. Discover now