Ice Cream, Photos, and Fluttering

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Finally, Shuichi and Kokichi make it to the mall. After a bit of searching, they find their meeting place. Everyone was already waiting for them.

"'Bout time you two made it!" Kaito says, smacking Shuichi hard on the back. "We thought ya ditched us!"

"I tried, but Shumai wouldn't let me," Kokichi smirks. Kaito gives him a playful glare.

"Everyone's here! Let's go!" Kaede says excitedly.

She spins on her heels, her pink skirt twirling with her and starts walking toward the ice cream shop. Everyone follows her. As the group walks, Kaito and Kokichi continue to make comments at each other. Maki rolls her eyes at them as she walks ahead with Kaede, leaving Shuichi to walk behind.

"Hey Shu," An all familiar voice says.

Turning, he sees Rantaro, but something was different about him. He looked pretty much the same, but his outfit was slightly different. He was wearing a shirt similar to the one he usually wore, but it was greenish-blue and cut into a crop top. Underneath was a white tank top that covered most of his stomach, but still showed some skin. His pants were still the same, but they were cuffed like Kokichi's. He looked... great...


"Glad you could make it," he says. "Your.. Cock-ichi too,"

Shuichi's face heats up from embarrassment. He holds a hand to his face.

"Ah- Sorry about... that,"

Rantaro lets out a laugh. The detective slowly removes his hand to find the green haired boy slightly closer to him. So close they were brushing shoulders.

"But really. I'm glad you're here. There was actually something I wanted to ask-"

"Shumaii!" Kokichi interrupts. "Get in line with me!"


Kokichi didn't listen. The little leader grabbed the detective's arm and dragged him away from the green haired boy and into the ice cream shop to get in line.

Shuichi looked behind them to see Rantaro with Kaede behind Maki and Kaito. He felt a pinch of guilt.

"What flavor ya gonna get? Kokichi asks, still holding onto Shuichi's arm. He gives it a squeeze as he points to the menu.

His heart flutters as the detective looks to the supreme leader. He had a bright smile on his face and his eyes were light with excitement, like a child getting their first ever ice cream.

"Um..I think I'll get... Panta," he says, deciding to let Kokichi's rudeness slide. But he wondered, what did Rantaro want to ask him?

Kokichi lets out a dramatic gasp. "P-Panta!? You're getting Panta?!"

"Uh... Y-yes?"

"I am truly honored Shuichi," Kokichi says cutely, holding fists to his face. "I'll get blue-raspberry then!"

The detective laughs at his childishness. The two go to the cashier and order their ice cream. Moments later, the employee hands them their ice cream while Shuichi pays. Then, they sit at a table and wait for their friends.

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