To the Mall!

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Shuichi wakes to the sound of birds chirping out his window. He opens eyes only to be blinded by sunlight. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he attempts to sit up, but is stopped by something heavy on his chest. He looks down to see a head of purple hair.


Shuichi's face boils as he silently panics. The supreme leader was sound asleep on the detective's chest. His hands clutched to his shirt as he snored quietly. Gah! How did this happen?!

Shuichi tried to recall the night before. After their talk, Kokichi had fallen asleep on the detective's shoulder. Shuichi thought he had gotten up and went to his room, but it was clear now that was not the case.

Shuichi gently tries to scoot out from Kokichi's iron grip, buts its to no avail. The more he tried to move, the tighter Kokichi's grip seemed to get and after a bit of struggling, he gave up. He groans in defeat as he hears a buzz from the coffee table.

He finds his phone and grabs it. There was a notification waiting for him.


No school today, Friday, x/xx/xxxx

The detective sighs a happy sigh. Soon after that notification, a new one appears, this time from Rantaro.

Rantaro ;) added you and three others to the chat

Shuichi looks at the chat to see the names his friends had put in his contacts.

Rantaro ;) - hey guys no schooool (^_-)

Kaito! Luminary of the Stars!!!- YEAAAHH!!

^-^Kaede Akamatsu^-^ - Yes!

Maki- Why are you yelling?

Kaito! Luminary of the Stars!!!- CAUSE THERS NO SCHOOL MAKI ROLL!

^-^Kaede Akamatsu^-^ - We should all hang out! (o^^o)

Rantaro ;)- theres a new ice cream place at the mall

^-^Kaede Akamatsu^-^ - Oooo! You think they have mochi!?

Kaito! Luminary of the Stars!!!- LETS DO IT! I CALL SHARING AN ICECREAM WITH MAKI!

Maki- You're too excited... I'm coming.

^-^Kaede Akamatsu^-^ - I'm in!

Rantaro ;)- you comin shuichi

Shuichi smiles at his friends texts. It sounded like fun. He wonders if Kokichi would want to go as he begins to type a response. Suddenly, he feels the weight on his stomach shift. He immediately freezes.

"Mmph.. G'morning Shumaiii," Kokichi says tiredly. The detective slowly moves his phone to see the supreme leader staring at him with his head resting against crossed arms. His voice was a bit raspier than usual and his eyes were droopy with sleep.


"Watchya doin,"


"Liar," Kokichi says sleepily. Then, he does something that sends Shuichi's heart into a fluttering frenzy.

Kokichi squirms his way up Shuichi's chest and turns so his back was against the detective. The supreme leader then grabs Shuichi's arms and pulls them toward him so he could see his phone, however, it felt more like it was so they would be wrapped around him.

Shuichi couldn't move. His face felt as hot as a volcano. He could barely suppress the urge to run and hide in his room.

"W-what are you d-doing?" Shuichi gasps, trying trying pull away.

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