Do you wanna die? (Kaito x Maki Side Story)

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I play with my long, brown pigtails as I wait for him to arrive. Nervousness bubbles in my chest as leafs from nearby trees fall around me. Today was the day I was going to confess my feelings to Kaito.

I don't know when I fell for Kaito or why I even fell for him in the first place. He's an idiot after all, annoying, too optimistic. His hair is weird and he never wears his jacket right. He loud and confrontational, but I guess he's always there when I need him. He helped me lower my mask when people found out my real ultimate talent and introduced me to the others. He always makes me laugh and... I don't know where I'd be without him.

Ugh, that idiot really has made me soft.

I shake my head to break myself out of my thoughts and see Kaito walking over to me. Now for the hard part, actually telling him my feelings.

I squeeze the hem of my skirt as he makes his way to me. My heart has never pounded this much in my life, not even on my hardest missions.

"Hey Maki Roll! What'd ya need to talk to me about?" Kaito smiles as he finally makes his way to the tree I'm standing under.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I need to tell you something.... I've never felt this way before... I've always fought to push people away, not to bring them closer. I've never... been given a nickname like "Maki Roll" before, and I've never met some one as stubborn as you before. I've never had such deep feelings for anyone... so I needed to tell you. Even if you don't feel the same, I needed to let you know how I felt,"

Once I finish, I open my eyes. Kaito's still standing there, so at least he didn't run away screaming. I can see in his eyes that he's processing the information.

I watch him with my velvet red eyes until he finally clears his thought to answer.

"Wow Maki, I didn't know you felt that way," Kaito smiles. My cheeks turn red at his dashing smile. "I feel the same way! I think we've become great friends!"


"We've definitely developed a deeper friendship over the months! I'm glad I met ya Maki Roll!"

Oh. My. God. He is such an idiot!

"N-no... that's not what I meant...," I say awkwardly. The astronaut gives me a confused look. "I meant... feelings deeper than... friendship," Why do I like this moron again?

"Uhh... I don't think I understand... You mean... best friends? Yeah, I guess we're best friends Maki," Kaito says, scratching his head in confusion.

"Kaito you idiot!" I blurt. "Do I really have to spell it out for you?! I've fallen for you! I like you okay?!

Kaito stares at me in shock. I gasp as I realize what I'd just done. My face turns red and I turn away form the astronaut so he can't see my face.

Then, I hear a laugh.

"What now..?"

"Oh Maki, you are too easy to tease," the astronaut chuckles. I immediately spin around to see Kaito standing right behind me, his face a mere five inches away from mine. Then, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me into a kiss.

My eyes widen as our lips touch. He holds me firmly by the waist as his rough lips caress my own. The love of the kiss flows it's way through my body, through my chest, to the tips of my fingers, and all the way to my toes. It was like an electric shock and it was... amazing.

Kaito gently pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. I don't know what to say or if I'm even supposed to say anything at all.

But without warning, I blurt, "Do you wanna die?" Kaito just laughs.

"Same old Maki. Even when confessing your love you never let your guard down,"

"I-idiot," I mumble before grabbing his collar and pulling him in for another kiss.

"I can't believe you actually thought I didn't know what you meant!" The luminary of the stars chuckles as we walk to the cafeteria.

"You're not the brightest person you know..." I roll my eyes.

"Hey! That's not something you should say to your boyfriend!" Kaito teases.

I blush, which only expands Kaito's pride.

The spiky haired boy is about to go in for another tease when a loud slapping noise interrupts him, followed by Kokichi dashing out of the cafeteria with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, Kokichi!" Kaito calls, but the supreme leader ignores him as he runs out of the school. "Huh, wonder what that was about..."

Author's note-
Thank you so much for the support! I'm glad you guys are enjoying my story! More lovey dovey content coming soon!! Thank you again! <3 <3

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