Burning Bridges

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The green haired boy sighs a nervous sigh.

"Don't freak out alright. I...uhm...have a ...crush on you Shuichi," Rantaro says. His green eyes stare into the detective's with sincerity. "I... like you,"

All the detective could do was stare.


Surprise filled the detective from head to toe.

"You don't have to answer right away!" Rantaro says quickly. "I just.. wanted to get it off my chest... You can answer later if you want,"

"N-no... its just.. you surprised me," Shuichi says. "I don't.. r-really know what to say,"

"Then think about it," the survivor says softly. He reaches out and grabs Shuichi's hand. His rings were cool against the detective's skin. He could feel his face turning red. "You can answer me on Monday... or whenever you like,"

Rantaro gives the detective's hand a slight squeeze. He averts his gaze to something behind the detective for a moment before letting go of Shuichi's hand. "I gotta go. See ya~"

The green haired boy gives a slight wave before leaving the shocked Shuichi.


The detective takes a deep breath. He waits until Rantaro was out of sight. When he was sure the survivor was gone, Shuichi exploded with emotions.

What was that?! Rantaro... liked him?!?

The more the detective thought about it, the more obvious it became. How could've he been so blind?!

Memories of the time the two had spent together flew back to him. There was the time he had made Shuichi feel better about his dream and when he had taken the detective to the roof to cheer him up. In those moments, Rantaro was sweet and those thoughts made Shuichi's heart pound.

But there was also the times when Rantaro wasn't so sweet, like all the times he argued with Kokichi, especially when he made him cry and when he would do things that make Shuichi uncomfortable, like holding his shoulder or when he fed him his ice cream. Those moments made Shuichi's heart pound in... a different way.

Then it hit him.

Was this what the clairvoyant meant when he said he was in love? It didn't... feel exactly how he thought how love felt. He did feel strange feelings around Rantaro, but they had never occurred to Shuichi as love. Then again, Shuichi didn't even know he was in love in the first place.

He thought he was in love with... someone else but...

Maybe not.

"Shuichiii," Shuichi was so deep in his thoughts he barley noticed Kokichi waving a hand in front of his face. "Ya ready to go?"

"H-huh? Oh yeah," Shuichi says, trying to break from his train of thought. It doesn't work very well.

"Okie dokie," The supreme leader says as he spins on his heals and begins to walk. Shuichi quietly follows.

As they walked under the night sky, Shuichi's head stormed with thoughts. He wondered how he would answer Rantaro. He wasn't sure if he really liked the survivor in that way, let alone loved him. The detective knew he was overthinking things, but he couldn't get the ideas out of his head. He was almost completely swarmed with anxiety.


Through his raging thoughts, the detective noticed something.

Unlike earlier that day, Kokichi walked normally. He didn't step on any cracks in the side walk. He didn't point out any interesting things. He didn't even stop to pick up any lost pennies. He just... walked with his hands behind his head.

He was quiet too. He hadn't said a word since the two had left the mall. All he did was hum a tune Shuichi didn't recognize as he stared off into the darkness.

Shuichi began to question if he should ask what was wrong when suddenly, Kokichi turned to the detective.

"This is where we part mister detective," the supreme leader says in his usual cheery voice.


"Ima spend the night somewhere else tonight, so this is goodbye!" Kokichi says cheerfully again. He's probably joking...

"Why?" He asks.

"...Just cause. I think it would be better if I didn't stay at your house tonight! Don't wanna get between you and you know who!" He grins.

"H-huh? What'd you mean? Where will you go? Shuichi asks, sounding more upset as he realized the supreme leader wasn't joking. His heart began to pound. "You're n-not going home are you?"

"Oh no! Don't worry Shuma- Shuichi... I'll... go to my organization's hideout! I got some business to take care of there anyways," Kokichi hesitates a little before answering. His smile remained on his face, but Shuichi thought he could see a twinge of sadness behind his eyes. It was like a mask that was barely staying on. But why was it there in the first place?

"N-no. Kokichi... What're you saying..? Just stay at my house..,"

"I...can't," A small whisper escaped Kokichi's lips. So small it seemed like Kokichi was the only one who was supposed to hear it. There were the beginnings of tears in his eyes, but before Shuichi could do anything, the supreme leader spun away from the detective.

"See ya on Monday!" Kokichi shouts quickly and just like that, the supreme leader bolted into the darkness without another word.

Shuichi was left standing in dismay. It was then that he noticed he was on the bridge they had crossed on their way to the mall. Now that it was night, the bridge seemed distant and cold. There were no geese or ducks in pond below and there were no people in sight. Shuichi was ultimately and completely alone.

The detective was beyond confused now. Of course it wasn't the first time Kokichi had decided not to come over, but this time, it was like something was holding him back.

A mixture of worry and sadness filled the detective. He stood on the bridge for a moment as he collected his thoughts. Eventually, the detective began walking again.

The cold night wind blew by him as he walked home.

Without Kokichi.

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