A Fortune Teller's Wisdom

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After the photo booth, the group decided to go to one more shop before calling it a day. As they walked around, no shops looked particularly interesting. After about five minutes of walking, the group contemplates leaving. That is, until a particular shop caught Kokichi's eye.

"Shumai look!"

The detective looked to where the supreme leader was pointing. There was a run down looking store on the other side of the walk. It had a sign on it that said 'The ULTIMATE Clairvoyant's totally accurate fortune teller booth!!' in big, bold letters. Next to the sign was a smaller sign that read, 'Guarantied fortunes! (30% of the time) for a small price of $15!'. It looked like a complete sham.

"We could get our fortunes told!" Kokichi says with an excited smile, seemingly oblivious to how much of a rip off it was.

"I don't know... That looks like a waste of money," Shuichi says.

"C'monn!" The purple haired boy begs. He runs over to Kaito and points out the shop to him. The astronaut's eyes instantly light up at it.

"Maki, Rantaro, Kaede! Let's get our fortunes told!" He cheers, slamming his fists together.

Kaito, why are you such an idiot?

Maki looks at the shop, at him, and back at the shop again before shaking her head. At least she could tell what was a scam and what wasn't. The same couldn't be said about Kaede though.

"Ooo!" She says in awe and with that, they walked over the the cheap looking store.

Standing by the entrance of the shop was a man with a scruffy beard and long brown dreads that stuck up from his head. He had a huge grin on his face and a shiny crystal ball in his hand. He looked more like a moron than a scammer.

"Weeellcome to my fortune teller booth!" He cheers, holding his hands out in a dramatic pose. "Where you can get your 100% accurate fortunes!... 30% of the time,"

"6 fortunes please!" Kaito says enthusiastically, handing him a wad of cash for the group.

"Step right up!" The fortune teller says, taking the money. He steps aside and leads Kaito into the curtain covered shop.

A few minutes later, he comes out with a huge grin on his face. He exclaims about how he was destined to go to space and how he would be more famous than Neil Armstrong himself. Shuichi just smiles and nods.

"Your turn Maki!" He says.

"..You don't actually believe this do you?" She sighs. Kaito just smiles and pushes her into the shop.

Another few minutes pass and Maki comes out with a red face.

"What'd he say?!" Kaede asks. Maki just shakes her head.

"Spill Maki roll!!" Kaito says.

"He said... we're going to...grow old together..," she says nervously, playing with her pigtails.

"Aww Maki!!!" Kaito pulls Maki into a bear hug.


"Maybe he is accurate," Rantaro says as Kaito picks up and spins Maki. "I'll go next,"

The survivor opens the curtains and walks in. Moments later, he walks out with a worried expression.

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