Second in Comand (Epilogue)

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The early morning sun shines through the curtains of Shuichi's room. The sounds of summer drift into the room as he slowly wakes. Laying next to the detective is his boyfriend, Kokichi Ouma, still sound asleep.

Shuichi smiles as pushes a strand of the boy's purple hair behind his ear. He looks calm as he snuggles the blankets on the detective's bed.

Shuichi stays with him a bit longer before eventually getting out of bed. He gets ready for the day and trudges downstairs. Then he grabs some frozen waffles, puts them in a toaster, and looks out the window while he waits for them to finish.

As they pop up, Kokichi hops down the stairs.

"Mooooring sleepyhead!" He says, planting a kiss the Shuichi's cheek.


"Oooo waffles!" He says, sitting down in a chair at the table.

"With wiped cream, just how you like it," Shuichi smiles. He sets the plates on the table and sits next to him. That's when he notices Kokichi's outfit.

"You're wearing your uniform," Shuichi says.

"Yup! Today's a veeery special day," Kokichi grins, stuffing a bite of waffle into his mouth.

"It is?"

"Mmhmm," Kokichi hesitates slightly. "...We've been together for a few months now... so I think it's about time... you meet my family!"

Shuichi nearly chokes on his waffle.

"Y-your family?"

"Not my real family," The supreme leader says quickly. "My organization, DICE!"


"Yeah! I already told them you're coming!" Kokichi shines.

"W-what?!" Shuichi gasps. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

"I wanted it to be a surpriseeee," Kokichi says with his hands behind his head. "Soooo, what'd ya say?"

The supreme leader smiles excitedly. Seeing him so eager to introduce him to his organization melts Shuichi's heart. There's no way he can say no.

"Y-yeah, I'd love to meet them," Shuichi says. Kokichi's eyes immediately light up.

"Yay!" He pulls Shuichi into a hug. "Lets go!"

"Wait, right now?" The detective asks, being pulled from his seat.

"Duh! Why else would I get ready before 12? Kokichi laughs. The supreme leader drags Shuichi out the house after the two finish eating. Hand in hand, they head to the organization's hideout.

The couple walks for a while, talking about this and that. Eventually, when they turn a corner, Kokichi's excitement begins to skyrocket.

"Shumai! We're almost there!" He cheers. He starts to walk ahead, pulling Shuichi behind him.

The supreme leader lugs the detective up the street. They pass shops, cars, and people, but not once does he stop until finally, they reach the end of the street. Only one building stands there.

"Here we are!" Kokichi says. Shuichi blinks.

"Is this... a parking garage?"

"Uh... My parking garage," Kokichi says. "C'mon! Everyone's waiting!"

The little leader leads the way into the parking garage. Shuichi follows close behind, but his anxiety is starting to get to him.

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