Truthful Apologises

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**Trigger Warning**
In this chapter, there's talk of abuse. If you are sensitive to that, there will be ******** before and after the scene. Thank you for reading!

The rest in the day flew by in the a blink of an eye. Before he knew it, Shuichi was getting his things from his locker and leaving the school.

The detective sighs as he starts walking down the steps. He still hadn't spoken to Kokichi since their fight. Rantaro had helped him feel a little better, but Shuichi was still concerned about the supreme leader. And hurt. He just wished things could go back to normal already.

Shuichi reaches the bottom of the steps. He was about to start walking his usual route home when he hears the thumping of feet coming down the stairs behind him.

"Shumaiiii!" A childish voice cheers. Shuichi turns around to see Kokichi skipping down the stairs. The purple haired boy flies down the steps, skipping two or even three steps at a time. He's waves a bandaged hand frantically as he goes. Oh God, he's going to get hurt doing tha-


Just as Shuichi thinks that, Kokichi misses a step close to the bottom of the steps and goes tumbling down the stairs. He lands face first on the concrete with a hard thump.

"Oh my God! Are you okay Kokichi?!" Shuichi gasps, kneeling next to the Kokichi pancake.

He slowly lifts up his head. "I nee... to... you... somethi..." He huffs before falling back onto the concrete.


Shuichi lifts the supreme leader and leans him against a nearby wall.

"You really should be more careful," The detective sighs, examining his face. Kokichi had scrapes all over his face and his bandaid was dangling from his cheek. Shuichi puts a hand up to push it back to his skin.

"Why were you running down the stairs so fast in the first place?"

"I needed... to talk to you," Kokichi blinks, averting his eyes away from the detective. He had an unfamiliar look on his face. It almost looked like.. nervousness?

"What is it?" Shuichi asks.

"Hmm... I-hm... umm... Let's see... I- noo... hmm," Kokichi stumbles over his words. He twiddles his bandaged thumbs as he tries to think of the right words to say. "Jeez, Tenko and Himiko made this seem sooo easy!"


"'Just say it!' They said! 'You don't need a love spell!' They said!"

"W-what was that?"

"Uugghhhh, I guess I'll just go for it! .....I'm sorry Shuichi," Kokichi mumbles the last part, so quietly Shuichi barley hears it.

All he could do was stare at the supreme leader. Did he just apologize? Since when did Kokichi apologize to anyone? He must've hit his head really hard... Or maybe he just misheard him. Yeah, that was probably it!

"Y-you're sorry?" The blue haired boy questions, leaning in a bit closer to hear better.

"Yeah, yeah, ya got me! I'm...sorry I yelled at you... You're not nosy or annoying... I'm glad you were worried about me... It's just... I don't know..," Kokichi continues. The more he talks, the more pink his face becomes. He puts his hands to his cheeks in an attempt to hide it, but it's not no avail. "Jeez, this is embarrassing..,"

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