Shumai it is!

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Shuichi wakes up from the best sleep he'd had in a while to two big, purple eyes staring right into his.

"Aaaaahhhhhgg!" Shuichi screams in a high pitch. He topples out of his bed in surprise.

"Nehehee~ Sorry Shuichi!" Kokichi laughs, totally not sorry. Shuichi rubs his shoulder in pain as he looks up at his awakener. Kokichi was back in his normal checkered scarf and white uniform. "Hurry up sleepyhead~! It's Monday!"

Shuichi scrambles up from the floor. What time was it? The detective looks to the clock on his dresser.


Oh no! School starts in 25 minutes!

Shuichi sprints to his closet, grabs his usual striped turtle neck uniform, and goes to the bathroom to change, leaving the ultimate supreme leader unattended in his room. He didn't have time to shoo him out of his room.

As quickly as he can, Shuichi changes into his clothes, brushes his hair and teeth, and washes his face. Its only when he looks into the mirror that he notices his hat is missing. Without his hat, one strand of his hair is left to stick straight up on his head. Shuichi puts some water on his hand and tries to brush it down but unsurprisingly, it doesn't work.

Shuichi looks into his eyes in the reflection of the mirror. He remembers the first time he solved a murder case at his uncle's agency. The memory of the look in the killer's eyes sends shivers down Shuichi's spine. That's why he needed his hat. So people couldn't look in his eyes, and he couldn't look in their's.

"I need my hat," He says to himself, walking out of his bathroom. Shuichi walks into his room to Kokichi sitting comfortably on his bed...

...with his hat on.

The hat is a bit too big for Kokichi's head so it droops sloppily on him and pushes down his hair at the sides of his head. He looks... cute.

"C-can I have my hat please?" Shuichi asks, glancing at the clock.


"Whyyy? I've never seen you without your hat on," Kokichi complains, looking at Shuichi's hair. "You look good! Especially your little sticky-up-hair-thingy!" Kokichi points to Shuichi's strand that won't go down. Shuichi frowns and blushes as he tries to reach for his hat. Kokichi stands up on the bed and holds it over Shuichi's head in a teasing manner.

"Please Kokichi! We're gonna be late for school!" Shuichi groans, reaching up in an attempt to get his black hat.

"Doesn't matter to me. I'm always late!" The purple haired boy laughs, jumping around on Shuichi's bed carelessly. Shuichi sighs. Why does he have to do this so early in the morning?

"Why do ya wear this hat anyways? Are you a perv or something?!" Kokichi smirks.

"I-I don't need a reason! I just like it!" Shuichi lies. He soon learns that that was a horrible decision.

Abruptly, Kokichi glares at Shuichi. Then, with out warning, Kokichi leaps from the bed onto Shuichi. With a loud crash, the two boys fall to the floor.

"What're yo-!"

"You got some balls lying to me Shuichi," Kokichi says in a very serious tone, like the normal Kokichi had been replaced by a completely different person. Shuichi tries to sit up only to realize he was pinned to the ground by Kokichi.

"K-Kokichi.. let me go," The detective mumbles, not sure what else to do. His face turns a bright shade of red.

"Tell me the truth then. You know I hate liers," Kokichi orders stubbornly, not budging an inch.

"But.. that's a lie,"

"Tell me the truuuth or we stay here," Kokichi orders again while squinting his eyes. The liar moves his face closer to Shuichi in an attempt to intimidate him, and Shuichi couldn't lie... he was a little intimidated.

"I...I wear it so people can't look me in the eye," Shuichi admits. Why was he telling him this? Could he even trust Kokichi? Shuichi was prepared to be teased endlessly but instead, he felt the weight on his stomach lighten.

"There! Now, was that so hard Mr. detective?" Kokichi giggles, putting a finger to his lips. "I can tell there's more to the story than that but I don't really care too much and besides, you look better without the hat! I like your eyes!"

The supreme leader hops up from Shuichi's bedroom floor. He gives Shuichi one last wink before swiping his hat from the spot it fallen and skipping out the door, leaving Shuichi alone in his room.

Shuichi stays sitting on the floor for a minute. He thinks about what Kokichi just said to him.

"I can tell there's more to the story than that but I don't really care too much"

The blue haired detective laughs to himself.

"And you tell me not to lie..," Shuichi smiles to himself. Then, he gets up from the floor and looks to the clock.


Oh crap!

Shuichi jogs down the stairs to see Kokichi raiding his fridge. Sighing with annoyance, Shuichi makes a "c'mon" motion with his hands.

"No breakfast for you Shuichi?" Kokichi asks, trotting over to him.

"No," He answers, grabbing his backpack that was laying by the front door.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day you know!" Kokichi says from the kitchen. Shuichi sighs, waiting by the door for Kokichi.

The purple hair boy walks out from the kitchen with two apples in his hands. He hops to Shuichi and stuffs the apple into his mouth.

"You know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!" Kokichi says in a motherly tone. He wags his finger like he's disciplining a child.

The boy blinks. Since when was Kokichi so... caring?

"Well, lets go! Wouldn't want to be late would we Shumai~?" Kokichi smirks, opening the front door and walking into the porch.

"Shumai? Like Chinese steamed dumplings?" Shuichi questions as he takes the apple out of his mouth.

"Yup! It's your new nickname!" The dictator laughs.

All Shuichi can do is smile.

"Okay, Shumai it is,"

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