Rooftop Worries

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The lunch bell rings as Shuichi gathers his things. Kaede waits for him by the door and together they leave the classroom.

"Is something bothering you Shuichi?" Kaede asks suddenly. "You've seemed tense since this morning,"

"Oh... yeah. I'm fine," the detective sighs.

After Rantaro had left the bathroom earlier that morning, Shuichi had followed. When he walked back in the classroom, he spotted Kokichi messing around with Tenko and Himiko. Anger and sadness filled him again, but he tried to ignore it as he worked on the project by himself for the rest of class. When the bell finally rang, Kokichi just left without a word. Since then, Shuichi had been a bit on edge. He found himself repeating the situation in his head over and over again, coming up with different things he could have said or asked, but nothing calmed his nerves. Now it was lunch and him and Kokichi still hadn't said a word to each other.

"Okay, if you say so," the pianist says. Then a mischievous smile forms on her face. "Soo, you're meeting with Rantaro for lunch, huh?"

"Hm?" Shuichi questions. "Oh shoot, I completely forgot!"

"Better hurry~" Kaede teases. Shuichi rolls his eyes as he waves goodbye and turns to walk on the opposite direction. He walks down the hallway. Wait... where was he supposed to meet Rantaro again?

"Uhh..," Shuichi ponders with a finger to his chin, still walking. He turns a corner and without warning, he runs into something. He falls backward with a hard thud.

"Ouch... oh there you are Shuichi," Shuichi looks up to see the green haired boy he'd been looking for. "...You know my locker's that way, right?" Rantaro smiles, pointing down the hall.

Oh, he was supposed to meet him at his locker.

"U-uh, yeah. I knew that," The detective laughs nervously. Rantaro laughs as he shakes his head.

"Well, shall we?" He grins, reaching a ring covered hand out for the detective to grab. Shuichi takes it and let's himself get pulled up but then, Rantaro doesn't let go.

"Uh, Ranta-oh!" Rantaro pulls Shuichi through the hall. As they walk, the detective catches people glancing at them, which turns his face red. He hopes they don't get the wrong idea.

Finally, Rantaro opens the door to the gym. It's empty except for a few other students. The green haired boys waves at them before continuing to drag Shuichi by the hand. The other students smile at them as the ultimate survivor takes him through another door. Yup, they're definitely getting the wrong idea...

Now Shuichi had no idea where he was. Rantaro was taking him through a dark room. Shuichi groans silently to himself. This situation seemed familiar...

As the two kept walking, the room turned into a staircase leading up. Shuichi almost tripped over the stairs as they started walking up them. This was... concerning.

"Are we almost there?" the detective asks, trying to look at the green haired boy's face through the darkness. His hand was still in the other's.

"Just a bit more," Rantaro replied. Shuichi could hear the smirk in his voice.

Finally, the two reached the top of the stairs. There was a crack of light coming from a door in front of him in the darkness, allowing Shuichi to see a bit better. There was barley anything to see though. The only thing there was a door with a key lock on it.

Rantaro lets go of the detective's hand to grab something from his pocket. Shuichi shakes out his hand as Rantaro unlocks the door with a key and swings it open.

Light immediately blinds the blue haired boy. Shuichi shields his eyes as he tries to look through the door. Once his eyes finally adjusted, he sees that the door leads outside.

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