Bracelets and Blueberries

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Shuichi makes it to school a little earlier than usual. He tiredly walks up the steps to the building, not really paying attention to his surroundings. He was hoping that Kokichi was already here, but he highly doubted he actually would be. Kokichi was never early.

The detective walks up the stairs to Hopes Peak Academy. The morning breeze brushes his skin. The sun was peeking over the road, giving just enough warmth for it to be not too hot, but not too cold.

Shuichi takes a deep breath and sits down on the  edge of the steps. He decided to stay outside for bit and admire the weather.

The blue haired boy sits on the steps with his chin in his hand and stares at the sky. His mind wandered aimlessly, hoping from one thing to another. Eventually, his mind landed on his dream about Kokichi. He still had a pit in his stomach. Something wasn't right.

Shuichi hadn't realized how long he'd been sitting there until a voice breaks him from his thoughts.

"Hello? You okay Shuichi?" Shuichi blinks out of his thoughts and looks in the direction of the voice.

"Oh hey Rantaro," Shuichi smiles.

"I was trying to get your attention for a solid minute there," Rantaro sits himself next to the detective.

"You were? Sorry, I didn't notice," Shuichi sighs.

"What were you thinking about?" The survivor asks, messing with a silver bracket on his right arm.

Shuichi pauses before answering. He wondered if he could even tell Rantaro about his dream. He didn't entirely trust him. He still wanted to talk about it with someone though, even if that someone was Rantaro. Maybe he just won't mention all the details.

"I had a dream last night and I just can't get it out of my head," The detective explains. Rantaro nods, signaling to continue. "I saw... a person and went over to them, but when I reached them, hands came out of the ground and dragged him into the ground. I couldn't do anything but watch as he sunk into the ground. He called out to me, but I couldn't go a single thing,"

"Damn, that's rough," The green haired boy comments.

Shuichi gives Rantaro a look. Gee thanks. That helped.

"Here," Rantaro slides the silver bracelet he was messing with off his pale arm and holds it out for the detective. "I don't know if you believe in these kinds of things, but this bracelet helps prevent nightmares. I wear it all the time because I used to have nightmares about my sisters, but I think you could use it now," Rantaro says sweetly.

Shuichi's heart pounds like a drum as Rantaro takes his arm and slides the bracelet on. He smiles at Shuichi as he does so, which only makes his heart pound harder.

"T-thanks Rantaro, but are you sure?" Shuichi mutters.

"Yeah, just take good care of it," The green haired boy gleams. He glances at Shuichi's other hand and sees the blueberry muffin Shuichi had brought for Kokichi. "But you could give me that muffin!"

"H-huh? Hey!" Rantaro snatches Kokichi's muffin from Shuichi and jumps up from his spot on the stairs. "Give it back!"

"But Shu~!" Rantaro teases, smirking deviously.

Shuichi groans as he bell rings, signaling it was time to get to class. He gets up and looks around to see no Kokichi in sight.

"But I was going to give that to-"

"Pretty please~," the green haired boy leans into Shuichi's personal space. He stares into Shuichi's soul with his emerald green eyes. It was like Shuichi was hypnotized by them. Their soft green color was sweeping into his brain, dissolving all logic.

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