A Detective's Fluttering Heart

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That night, Kokichi stayed at Shuichi's house. Shuichi made the two some noodles and they watched tv together until Kokichi had fallen asleep on the detective's shoulder.

"Again?" Shuichi sighs to himself. The detective carefully lifts the supreme leader's head and lays it on a pillow. When Shuichi reaches for a blanket, he thinks he hears mumbling coming from Kokichi.

"That was... a lie..." The purple haired boy murmurs. The detective looks at the little leader's face. His eyes were still closed. He laughs a little. He was talking in his sleep. How... cute.

Kokichi shifts a little on the couch. He grabs the corner of the pillow and snuggles it. "Shu..ichiii..."

The blue haired boy gasps. Kokichi was... dreaming about him...!? Shuichi quickly throws the blanket on the little leader and dashed up stairs to his room.

The detective changes into his pajamas and jumps onto his bed, bellyflopping onto his covers. He pulls his covers to his face. His heart was fluttering like crazy, like it was Gonta's insect meet and greet all over again.

The ultimate detective slams his face into his pillow. He tries to get to sleep but Kokichi floods his mind again. Shuichi floats in and out of consciousness, pondering what the next day would bring.

"Wakey wakey Shuichi baby!"

Shuichi shoots his eyes open, realizing that he'd just slept through the night. Shuichi blinks and looks up to see Kokichi leaning over him. The purple eyed boy was wearing his normal clothes but his scarf was missing from his neck. The boy's collarbone protruded through his marble white skin.

"C'mon Shumai~! I woke you up early so we wouldn't be late!" The little gremlin whines, tugging on Shuichi's tired arm. The detective groans as he tiredly lets himself get pulled up into a sitting position. "I'm going to use your shower, so no peeking!"

"Wha- oh whatever... Towels are in the closet next to the bathroom," Shuichi says, exhaustedly rubbing his face. Kokichi just does whatever he wants now.

"Thaaanks Shumai~" The supreme leader winks. Then he skips out the room. Shuichi sighs and ruffles his hair. It was morning already? The detective looks to his clock.


Hmm... suspicious. Shuichi peeks through his blinds to make sure it was actually seven in the morning. To his surprise, it was. Shuichi blushes a little. That was nice of Kokichi.

Shuichi crawls out of bed and goes to his uncle's bathroom to take a shower and get ready. By the time he was done, Kokichi was out of the shower and sitting on the stairs.

"Time to gooo Shuichiii~" The purple haired boy says, bouncing to his feet.

"I'm coming," Shuichi responds, still a little tired. The two head down stairs and grab some fruit before heading to school. As usual, Kokichi walks ahead, skipping around the rocks and twigs on the sidewalk. Shuichi follows close behind, watching Kokichi. He felt the fluttering in his heart once more. It was getting kind of annoying. Not the fluttering itself, but the fact that Shuichi didn't know what it was.

Kokichi and Shuichi walk up the steps to their school. Right when they're about to enter the school, Shuichi hears someone call his name.

"Shuichi!" The blue haired boy turns to see his violet haired friend.

"Hey Kaito," He says with a smile. He looks next to Kaito to see a flustered Maki. That's when Shuichi notices they were holding hands. "Hey Maki,"

"Oh... hey," she says awkwardly, her face pink.

"Aw C'mon Makiroll! Stop being so awkward! Is it that embarrassin' that we got together," he says teasingly, getting close to the assassin's face.

"Shut up! I'm just not used to it..." The girl says cutely. Kaito laughs, squeezing her hand.

"Awwww! You two are so cuuuutttteee! Why don't you do that to me Shumaii?!" Kokichi butts it, latching himself onto the detective's arm. Kaito and Maki look at Kokichi wide eyed before turning to Shuichi, who was a red tomato.

"Wh-What?! Th-that's because we're not like that!" The blue haired boy says frantically, pulling his arm away from Kokichi. Kaito and Maki exchange looks at one another.

"Nehehee! I know Shumai! That was just a lie!" The purple haired boy giggles. "Annnyway, I'm gonna go inside. See you in class Shuichiii~" He says, winking to the already flustered Shuichi. The boy gasps, turning a deeper shade of red. He tries to cover his face, but it was no use. Maki and Kaito had seen enough.

"Woah bro! I didn't know you and Kokichi were dating!" Kaito says, chuckling. The detective frantically turns to them.

"W-we're not!" He says, attempting to calm himself down.

"Don't lie to yourself Shuichi," Kaito smirks, making a fist with his free hand.

"I-I'm not!" Shuichi tried to deflect. "We're just friends! Barely!"

"Yeah.. sure," Kaito says persistently. "I'm no expert, but that right there was definitely a little flirty!"

Shuichi sighs. This was stressing him out. Yes, he was bi, but he didn't like Kokichi! That would be crazy! Kokichi was like a little kid. Bratty and spoiled. He had no manners and had that weird laugh. He was always pulling tricks and smile that smile of his. And looking at him those eyes. Those eyes... Gaah! This was too much for Shuichi.

Maki notices the detective's overthinking and decides to say something.

"Don't worry about it too much Shuichi," The level voice of Maki says, breaking him out of his train of thought. "Do things at your own pace. I'm sure that detective side of yours will start working eventually,"

The brown haired girl smiled her rare smile. She opens the door to the school and drags Kaito through, despite his protests.

"Aww Makiii, I wasn't done grilling him yet,"  the astronaut complains, finally following his girlfriend down the hall.

"I know, but Shuichi needs to figure out his own feelings. He is a little dense you know," Maki sighs.

"Ooooh, I see! Kinda like how you did with your feelings for me?" Kaito says smugly. The ultimate assassin spins on her heels and quickly smacks the purple haired boy on the head.

"Ooooh, I'm gonna get you for that Makiroll!"

Maki turns and starts dashing down the hall, giggling and leaving Shuichi with his thoughts.

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