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I wake up from the nightmare panting, sweat dripping off my forehead and my chest.

I take in one breath at a time and letting it out one at a time, trying to calm myself. I hold my hand to my chest, feeling my heart beat slowly come to its normal pace.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead and then lay there, on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

I hate remembering that day, the day I lost everything.

After I had passed out I woke up to the feeling of someone trying to carry me but I woke up instantly and pushed them away running out the door trying to look for my parents.

I could hear him screaming my name but I didn't know who he was and the only thing that was on my mind was getting to my parents. But once I go down the stairs I see right there on the bottom of the stairs my mothers cold bleeding body. I knew she was long gone, I knew it, but I still banged on her chest, cried, and pleaded for her to come back to me. To be my mom again but the bite mark and bloody mess around her showed that she's dead.

And my dads body was even worse. The man, who I later found out to be my uncle, couldn't stop me from seeing my dad's head ripped off and thrown away from his body with blood covering the distance from the body to the head.

It was as if someone fed on them and not just anyone.


Vampires attacked our home for a reason, I know it has to be a reason, because vampires of such low class won't target the higher class of humans for no reason. And I intend to find out that reason.

After thirteen years of searching I haven't been able to find much but that won't stop me.

I deserve to know why my parents were taken from me at such a young age. Why they were taken away from me when I needed them the most.

"Jungkook, its time for training." I hear Sejin uncle says as he knocks at my door to wake me up but I already am fully awake. I get up with a loud sigh and start my day.

There's no point in taking a shower now if I'm going to sweat even more in a few.

So I decided to just wash up my face, brush my teeth, and fix my hair. I pull on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt.

I walk out of my room while grabbing my phone to see the time.

5:43 am.

I have seventeen minutes before training fully starts. I can eat something before I start which would be a good idea. I didn't get to eat much last night.

I only had one cup of ramen, kimchi stew, and rice balls.

It wasn't enough with how much I train.

I put my phone into the pocket of my sweat pants not needing to check anything else because I knew I wouldn't have any other notifications because I don't have a social life.

My daily life consists of waking up, eating, training, work, and basically repeating the whole thing over again.

I walk down to the kitchen to see a small snack already set there on the table with a small note.

Once you're done, come down.

I nod my head as I take the sandwich taking a big bite as I make my way to the fridge to grab some milk.

I pour myself the glass and sit at the table to finish my sandwich and banana. I just stare off into space as I eat not really having much to do since I don't really do much anyway.

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