༓☾ nine ☽༓

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I take a deep inhale and then let it out as I start to think about how in the world uncle must be feeling right now.

Is he frantically looking for me? Is he fighting vampires off all by himself? Is he all by himself or has he asked for help?

All these questions race through my head as I look out at the night sky, littered with stars, leaning on the railing of the balcony.

After dinner I wanted to get some fresh air to clear my mind and collect my thoughts and I just didn't like all the eyes that were on me. It was as if I was the prey being hunted for their next meal which in a way is true but the looks some of them were giving me, Seokjin in particular, were ones of questioning and curiosity as well as slight hatred is what caught my attention.

We just met so I don't quite understand why he would hate me, I did nothing to him, but nonetheless I don't like the stares. I'm not used to it, not at all.

I know I'm not your typical hunter but I haven't even had much experience since the first time I went hunting I was kidnapped and now I'm here with no way out.

I continue to lookout at the tiny village below me thinking to myself, how in the world were they able to build this all? It amazes me that when I look down at it there isn't any fights going rather you can smell delicious food and hear chatter and laughter among them.

They seem so normal.

Normal. Thats what we were taught to be afraid of when it came to vampires. They can blend with humans and look normal but they are far from it. But they have no reason to blend right now so why are they so normal?

"So thats where you are." I turn around startled by the voice that I did not hear coming because I was too deep in thought that I had not notice the balcony doors opened.

I look to see that its Seokjin and I look at him questioningly as to why he is here and as to why he is looking for me as well.

I know that I won't be able to fight him but I will sure as hell defend myself if he is here to spout some hate.

"I wanted to set some rules for you." He says as he stands next to me and I just nod my head not wanting to speak to him. The only one I feel comfortable speaking with is Jimin and it might be because he's human or it could be because he's friendly but those are things I am not getting from the man next to me, not at this moment.

"Well one things first there is no point in escaping, there is vampires guarding every corner of the palace as well as the village. Two there is no wandering around unless you have someone with you and that is mainly for your safety. Three don't hurt anyone and if anyone hurts you have to tell either me, Namjoon, or our little ones. And lastly no wandering in the north wing, I know thats where you're staying but you can not, under any circumstances, go wandering around there. Its Taehyungs, who is the King, wing and you wouldn't want to do that." I nod my head in understanding of all the parts except for little ones, what does he mean by that?

"Li-lit-littlllle o-o-ones?" I tap my chest and look back at him to see what he meant by that. I was also slightly afraid that he was going to say something about my stutter but he did nothing of the sort as he went on to talk as if I didn't stutter once.

He smiles big as he nods his head with so much happiness and upbeat attitude as he begins to talk. "Little ones as in my children. They're the little goofballs who go around being mischievous and are the ones who are most likely causing a commotion of some sort." He lets out a happy chuckle and I look at him with shock, children? How in the world can he have children? Did he turn them at a young age, but that's against the law? Kids of his own but how?

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