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Today is the big day.

Today I'll be going on my first vampire hunt.

Even though the hunt is late at night I've been up since four in the morning due to the excitement and nervousness. I'm not nervous over encountering a vampire, thats the least of my worries, but over Sejin uncle.

If he wants he can change his mind any second and there would be no way of arguing with him and I don't want that happening. So to avoid that, all day I've been steering clear of him.

I didn't talk at all during breakfast, not like I even do to begin with, and I trained on my own in the morning and just now. Since I don't have work today I've decided to just stick to being in my room so that I wont disturb him. The slightest things could set him off and I don't want to have to get a scolding from him just for opening a bottle the wrong way.

The only time today that I actually really had to talk to him was during the briefing on the hunt. I did have to talk to show that I'm serious about all of this and I did ask a couple of questions and the good thing is that he didn't seem annoyed or bothered by it at all.

I did learn that the reason for this hunt isn't about the vampires I had encountered the other day with the human but rather from a neighboring town.

About an hour away from here there has been missing boys from the ages of twelve to seventeen. Out of the five missing boys only one body was found and it was as clear as day that he was killed by a vampire.

It wasn't only the bite marks but the clawing and other marks left on his body. His body was messed up in every way a vampire could have messed it up. It was not a pretty sight and whats even more devastating is that he was only twelve, the youngest out of the missing boys.

Vampires are merciless and kill as they please not thinking what another is loosing, as long as they get what they want then nothing else matters. Yet they are still afraid, they hide in the shadows and darkness because thy know if they were to be caught then they would be killed. Their whole existence would be gone with in a blink of an eye.

Even if they are stronger than us we outnumber them.

They could start turning more humans but they aren't guaranteed their survival.

The minimum age one can be turned is twenty-one but it doesn't mean that others haven't tried turning others at a much younger age.

The youngest human that was turned and had survived it was a ten year old boy but he didn't survive any longer then two weeks.

It was not that his body started to reject the venom but that his mind is set at ten years old. He was turned at ten and his mind set will forever be at ten no matter how long he lives and no matter the power he was gifted.

Kids think that they can do as they please and not get in trouble and he thought if he could continue to kill whoever he wants that he wouldn't get caught. But he was caught and executed and this was an agreement that was made between the vampire elders and the hunters. Most likely the only thing they could ever agree on. 

After that it was made law by the vampire elders and the top royal vampire that all humans that are turned will be twenty-one or older.

Which I think is better but it still isn't right to turn humans who don't want to be turned just so you can have more people in your group or mafia whatever they want to call themselves.

The vampire mafia, its a pretty stupid name if you do ask me but I guess they are just trying to sound intimidating for the current times. I guess they do things that mafias do to cover up the bad things they do as vampires but uncle did tell me they are one of the best mafias worldwide as well as the top vampire clan.

He said they actually abide by the vampire laws as well as the hunting laws. He also told me about their leader one time but I don't really remember because I wasn't paying much attention then. But I never really heard him talk bad about that clan and I find that odd. He doesn't like vampires at all so to see him not talking bad about them is quite unusual.

A knock on my door breaks me out of my thoughts and I sit up from by bed and look towards my door to see it opening and uncle Sejin standing there with a box in his hand.

I look at the box curiously and he just comes and sits next to me on the bed as he holds the box out to me and I gently take it into my hand.

"This belonged to your dad from when he used to be a vampire hunter. He only ever went out on a hunt with that holster and gun, he would never take anything else and he made sure that he always had those. I guess love can make you that determined." I give him a questioning look as I open the box to see a holster as well as a gun. They both had two initials on them.


Jeon Soojin.

My moms initials.

I look up at my uncle and he gives me a small smile.

"Your mom bought the gun for him and had her initials engraved onto it so that he will always have her with him when he goes on hunts and she made that holster her self. She sat there for one full day making it." I look at them as my eyes start to burn from the tears I try holding in.

They are so cute. Only if I could of had more time with them.

"I remember she gifted him these when we were going on our first hunt out of the country. She was so worried that he might not come back and that she wanted to go with him but for certain circumstances she had to stay back. But he said having that piece of her with him helped him and since that day onward he always took those two things with him." I smile at the story as I try to wipe my endless tears. I love them so much. I hold them a little closer to me and cherish the feeling of my parents. I wish they were actually here to send me off onto my first hunt.

"I want to give these two so that you have a piece of both of them while going out on your first hunt but if you would like I personally made this myself." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box and hands it to me and I carefully put down the gun and holster to the side to be able to hold the small box.

I open it with curious eyes and when I open it I see a locket inside. It was all black and I reach out to grab it and when I open it I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

Inside the locket is a picture of me and Sejin uncle.

It was when I was younger and we got to go camping. It was one of the best nights even though my parents weren't there.

He made me forget everything that day. All the bad things, all the things that had overtaken my life, in that moment they were all gone.

And that's what I feel right now. I feel like as if all the bad things have went away, every bad memory gone, and it's just me and him happy as can be.

I look up to him with big teary eyes as I practically jump into his arms and he gladly accepts me.

"T-th-th-tha-thank y-you." I whisper out as I snuggle into his chest and letting the tears continue to fall as he pats my back and holds me close to him. "You don't need to thank me Kook, I love you as if you were my actual son. And I'm so proud of you for coming this far." I look up at him with big eyes as my heart explodes with emotions.

"I-I-I a-am y-y-you-your s-sss-son a-and I lo-lo-l-love you li-li-lll-like a-a d-dad." I tap my chest and as soon as I did he brings me into his arms and he hugs me as he lays a gentle kiss to my head and I enjoy the warmth emitting off of him.

He raised me after my parents death, he took me in without a second thought without having to double check if he was ready to be a parent. He cared for me and loved me and didn't see me any differently than other people and he still does all those things with all his heart. There is nothing more that I could ask for.

He is my uncle yes but in a way he is also my dad and I think my parents would be so proud to see how he has raised me.

The grandfather clock downstairs breaks me out of my thoughts as well as the silence hanging in the air as it indicates that it was now sunset.

"Time to get ready for the hunt."

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