༓☾ twenty two ☽༓

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Jimin's POV

I wake up to the feeling of someone caressing my cheeks while another feeling of someone laying gentle kisses on my neck.

I know exactly who it is and I feel a wave of happiness and warmth flood within me. They always know how to wake me up.

Yoongi and Hoseok always wake me up in the sweetest of ways and it's the thing that makes me the happiest. Waking up next to my beautiful men is the best thing ever, it's all I could ever ask for.

I met the two of them a couple years ago, two years and three months ago to be exact, and they found me in one of the worst moments of my life.

My family was attacked and killed by two vampires. They killed them all except for me.

They were going to kill me, it was going to happen. I saw the evil and merciless look in their eyes but someone stopped them before they got to me and that someone was Hoseok. He came bargging into the house as soon as the guy took his knife out and in quick movements he tackled him down and then Yoongi came along and took down the other vampire.

In the beginning they were my heroes, they saved me. They were the ones who I owed my life to.

After they got rid of the vampires they took me back with them to the palace, which is here, without thinking twice about it and investigated the scene and why the vampires came after my family. They even helped with the funeral which I was ever so grateful for and still am.

Later on they found out that my dad was in debt and had caused trouble with a vampire clan and for collateral he gave them his family. My own dad didn't care about us and he just let us die at the hands of the beasts for nothing and thats when I realized it doesn't matter whether you're a vampire or human, if you're a monster, you're a monster.

Yoongi and Hoseok were good kind hearted vampires and nothing was ever going to chnage that. Even when I saw them in their worst they still weren't and would never be monsters to me or anyone else.

They had a piece of my heart since the first day I met them and that was never going to change, no matter what.

I was really glad that Taehyung let me stay here with them but I guess he foresaw what the three of us couldn't. He saw that we were all to fall in love with each other.

Yoongi and Hoseok were already together before I came along and they were the cutest couple I had ever seen. While Yoongi is a sleepy head who looks cold hearted but loves every ounce of attention Hoseok gives him, Hoseok is a bubbly happy person unless you mess with the ones he loves. They deeply cared for each other and it was and still is obvious that they love each other.

I thought at first I was falling for Hoseok since he would check up on me everyday and always makes me smile and laugh no matter what. But then Yoongi would also check up on me and he would make sure I was eating and was well. Yoongi would also come into my room when I had nightmares and would hold me until I would stop crying and go back to sleep. Hoseok also started doing the same.

And for some reason I started to fall for both of them and I first blamed it on the attention they were giving me. I didn't want to get involved in an already formed relationship so I told myself I had no right and so I tried to keep my distance and tried to get them out of my head.

So I started spending more time with Yeonjun and Soobin and tried to learn more about vampires. And the more and more I learned I got very curious as to how it would be to be a vampire but I never had a reason to be one and so I never really gave much thought than that.

But the more distance I kept the more they both started to get really irritated and would try to get my attention and I didn't know how I felt about it. I thought they were just pitying me since I lost my family so I still kept my distance.

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