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"U-uncle I kn-know w-wh-wh-what I s-s-s-s-sa-saw, i-it wa-was a-a va-vam-vam-va-vampire!" I yell out to Sejin uncle hoping that he would believe me for the billionth time.

"It just can't be Jungkook, there is never vampires around this neighborhood. They don't hunt here because of the smell." He says as he thinks while he ruffles his hair in frustration.


He cuts me off as he waves his hand and rushes to the basement. I follow right behind him curiously.

I know that it was a vampire not just because of the speed but because of the eyes. I remember what my mom had told me that night, one of the things were the eyes and those were not human eyes.

We go down to the basement and he pulls up the map of South Korea where we've marked all of their hunting ground.

"See where we live they don't hunt at all, it happened about twenty-five years back but not anymore. Not after they were run out. But I do think they're just passing by but that won't stop them for looking for a snack so you have to watch your back. But I am concerned over the human they had with them, its slightly unusual." I look at him with a serious look as I nod my head in understanding and prepare myself to speak up.

"Th-th-the-they kn-knew each o-other. H-he ca-c-called him b-b-by h-hi-his n-nnn-name." I tap my chest and then just leave my hand there as I take a deep breath in and out. My uncle hums as he shakes his head, still confused about the situation.

"I just don't understand why a human would go with them, he must have known if they were a vampire if you said they knew about the speed. Was the human anyone we've seen before?" Im quick to shake my head because I recognize everybody here but he clearly was someone new and I knew he didn't belong here and neither did those vampires.

He lets out another sigh and just puts the map away as he looks up at me.

"Maybe we should do some extra training before dinner?" He asks and I'm quick to nod my head and he smiles slightly as he nods his head and pats my back. "It's good you noticed it Kook, we need to warn the others around here." I nod my head not wanting to speak and I feel his hand shaking on my shoulder and before I could touch his hand or say anything he moves his hand away and starts to go upstairs.

"Prepare for training in an hour." Is all he says as he goes out the door leaving me alone in my thoughts.

Is uncle worried about the vampires? He did say there's not much to worry about so why was he shaking? Is he hiding something?

I drop the questions as I make my way upstairs and to the third floor and to my room to prepare for training.

I think that's the second time I've been that close to a vampire.

I think the first time was about ten years back when I was nine. We had traveled to Jeju Island during the fall. I don't really remember for what but I had wandered off to the beach and there I met a man. I couldn't see his eyes at first so I thought he was a normal human like any other. We sat next to each other and there was a butterfly flying past us so he holds out his finger and it lands on his finger.

I don't really remember much of what we talked about or how he really looked but I remember his touch was freezing cold but it didn't bother me at all. And that he was really handsome and pale and even though he is a dead creature all the animals came near him without fear.

There was something special about that vampire but I don't remember him all that much.

As soon as I get to my room I decided to change my clothes and prepare everything I need for training.

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