༓☾ thirty nine ☽༓

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Everyone is dying.

Everyone I know and love is injured and can no longer fight.

Yoongi is dead.

Hoseok looks like he might as well be dead.

Namjoon and Seokjin are barely holding on.

Jongsuk might as well be dead from what I saw.

Uncle seems to be holding up but the long gash across his chest, shows that he won't be holding on much longer.

Hyungsik seems like all of the energy he has left is leaving his body.

And Taehyung.

Taehyung is about to die right in front of me.

Right in front of me and there is nothing I can do about it.

All the training I did, all the advice I got, all the time I used to prepare for this moment, and yet I still can't to do what I need to.

I look down to Taehyung to see him looking up at me with a small smile, one that held so many emotions and things that have not been yet said. I can't let him go like this.

I can't let any of them go like this.

They're my family, my friends, and my lover.

All of my feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and distraught turn to something else as everything continues to replay in my head.

As everything I love continues to go further and further away from me.

I start to feel anger rise up. I start to feel all the anger, resentment, revenge, and everything I have riled up deep down inside of me start to surface and I can no longer hold it back.

I won't let this happen to the ones I care for, for the ones I love.

I feel a burning sensation run throughout me but it doesn't hurt. Its a sensation that makes me feel alive. It's as if something inside of me is awakening, ready to come out.

Everything continues to pile up, all my emotions of anger, grief, loss, and revenge. And once it reaches its limits, once the burning gets to the highest it can I let out a scream.

I scream everything out, all my emotions.

A scream that I have never heard leave my throat.

I see the vampires who were holding me down back away immediately falling to their knees, shielding their ears as well as their eyes as it starts to get bright.

And once the bright light consumes my vision, I stop screaming and I feel my eyes come to a close. I feel myself start to float, my feet lifting off the ground. I let myself be lifted, letting the shining light that I had saw before I closed my eyes, consume me and all my emotions escape me.

And once I feel more at peace I open my eyes but I'm not met with the battlefield like I was just looking at. Rather I'm met with a bright light and nothing else to be seen.

"Where am I?" I ask myself out loud as I continue to look around me while letting my eyes adjust to the brightness and as I do I see a figure approaching me.

I stop moving and rub at my eyes, hoping that they adjust soon, and when I open my eyes I see two figures approaching. And once everything clears up I see the two figures clearly, making me gasp.

It can't be.

No way.

I feel tears start to fill my eyes up, making everything blurry again.

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