༓☾ twenty ☽༓

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"U-uncle?" I call out as I walk up to him out in the balcony which was connected to his room.

He wasn't able to come out of the wing to eat dinner with us but he didn't mind at all because Hyungsik Hyung had decided to eat dinner with him and it seemed to have made Sejin and I feel more at ease. I didn't want to leave him all on his own but at the same time I wanted to stay by Taehyung's side.

After they told me about everything I was very relived but at the same time so damn confused. So what I feel when I'm around Taehyung isn't real and just this bond that is pulling us closer?

I don't want to be with someone because I have a bond telling me how I feel and not actual true feelings.

I know what I am and I know what I'm suppose to do and that is to be with Taehyung to unify our kind to make a stronger creature which will bring peace and order to this world. But will I be able to do it? There is just so much going into this and all I know is that I want true feelings to go into it not just some bond.

"Oh Koo, how was dinner?" He asks as he looks at me with a small smile and I give him one in return as I walk over to him.

"I-i-it wa-was ggg-good. Mi-missed y-y-you." I say softly and he lets out a small chuckle as he wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me in closer. "Missed you too but I know you wanted to stay by Tae's side so I let you be and anyway I got to spend some alone time with Hyungsik." At first I'm confused at what he means by alone time, I mean he could just say time with Hyungsik but he added alone time to that. But when I see the state he is in my face turns tomato red as I look at him wide eyes and mouth.

Oh my god, I can't believe this.

His hair his wet, indicating he just came out of the shower. He had pink and purple marks all over his neck and a small bite mark on his neck as well. There was some scratches peeking out from his back since the shirt is a little low so I'm able to see it. His lips look even more red than they were before.


I thought vampires and humans aren't allowed to do anything until the human turns? It can be dangerous since sometimes vampires loose control and they can end up injuring their partner.

Sejin even taught me that himself yet he broke that rule.

Once Sejin notices my shocked face he lets out a small chuckle as he looks back out to the view in front of us which I have to say is a very beautiful view. The beach can be seen from here and the water shimmering from the moon light and stars makes it look a hundred times more beautiful. Its a good thing that Taehyung's wing faces the beach, there is always a good view to see at anytime of the day and I'm able to see that since I am in his wing.

"I know I told you a human and vampire can't do anything but I trust Hyungsik enough and out of all vampires I know, besides the royals here, he knows how to best control himself. Anyway it wasn't the first time so I knew he wan't going to hurt me." I continue to look at him shocked.

I have never seen Sejin uncle to be a rule breaker but I guess I still have a lot to learn.

"O-oh." Is all I can say and he lets out another chuckle but then he turns to me with a sad smile as he brings me into a tight hug which I gladly accept.

"I'm sorry for waiting for this long to tell you all of this. I know I should have but I was begin dumb, I was running away from my own fear and responsibility that I just dragged you along with me without thinking twice. Please forgive me Jungkook. Because of me you still have so much to learn." I hug back tighter as I shake my head against his chest.

"I-I do-don't bl-bl-blame you at a-all un-uncle. I u-under-ssss-stand." And that is the truth. I wouldn't have been ready for it myself anyway. Fate let things play out perfectly and its better this way.

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