༓☾ forty eight ☽༓

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Yeonjun's POV 

I knock on the door and within seconds he opens it with a huge smile spread across his face.

"Hey baby." I feel myself redden at the words as I look away, unable to hold his gaze, feeling way too embarrassed to.

"Oh don't be shy now." He says with a chuckle and stretches his arms out and wraps them around my waist, pulling me closer and I let out a small chuckle of my own as I wrap my arms around his waist as well. Getting comfortable in his arms.

"I'm not shy, just embarrassed by all of this sweetness." I say happily as I snuggle closer to him and he happily holds onto me tightly.

We haven't been able to have a lot of alone time lately because every corner we turn my parents are standing there with deadly looks.

It's not that they don't like Jongsuk, just more that they don't like what he has done before and that they're son is dating. All parents are like that when their child starts to date, overprotective, but I feel like my parents are another level.

They barely let us touch or spend time alone and if we are together then someone else needs to be in the room with us. I think they're afraid that Jongsuk would do something to me but little do they know that the roles they think we each have are reversed in reality.

The most alone time we can get is when we sneak out of the palace while they're having their meetings on whatever mafia cover they have to uphold. When they're too busy to come and look for us that's when we tend to have our most alone time. Not a lot but just enough.

"You like this sweetness, don't lie." He says as he nuzzles his noses against my neck in a cute way making me chuckle. "Yes I do." I say as I feel my heart flutter at the feeling he's stirring up inside of me.

"Yeonjun." I hear a very strict voice behind me say and I let out a sigh as we both start to back away from each other, already knowing the drill but for some reason it's getting on my nerves a lot more now.

I just want to spend some quality time with my boyfriend, is that so hard?

We've been through so much already. I almost lost him and in that moment I felt my heart break and I never felt so strongly like that towards anyone but family. I don't want to ever lose him, no matter what.

"Papa." I turn around to see him standing there with his arms crossed over his chest as he once again gives Jongsuk a deadly glare.

I really am irritated now.

"Papa." I say a little louder which brings him out of his glaring state and looks at me softly making me feel a little calmer.

"Yeonjun you know the rules." He says in a very strict manner, making me let out a huff as I put a little more space between us. I hear Jongusk let out a small whine and I look over to him, to see him giving me a pout and I couldn't help but move back to him and caress his cheeks and he instantly brightens up again.

"Yeonjun." He says sternly and I just let out a sigh and turn around to face him but not moving away from Jongsuk like I had before.

"Papa, please just let us be." I say pleadingly but it doesn't seem to break his cold stare and this just frustrates me more.

"Yeonjun, I know he's a good man but he's very well known for being with people for a short period of time and then leaving them. I don't want you getting hurt." He walks over to us and lays a comforting hand on my shoulder and I can't help but let out another sigh. That's the only thing they're thinking about and it's understandable to worry but that's not all there is to it.

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