༓☾ thirty seven ☽༓

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Fourth Royal POV (Soohyun)

I let out a scoff once I see them all lined up at the starting line, ready to fight us off. All in black protective gear to protect themselves.

I see why the villages were so quiet and empty, they knew we were coming. But of course they knew, I mean with someone like Seokjin is there ever an element of surprise. No, there isn't.

We knew that and decided last minute that we would be going out early, thinking we could catch them off guard but they seem more prepared then we had in initially thought. Yet this doesn't change anything, we are still here to fight them. To take down Taehyung because he doesn't deserve the spot at the top and while I take down Taehyung I'll also be taking down his beloved lux.

With a good distance between us, about a thousand feet a part, we stop and look at them.

There seems to be a medium sized amount of vampires compared to how many there are usually is in the villages and in the castle. I guess he's hiding some of them away. Unless they aren't going to be fighting?

No that's not possible, on top of that they even have Jongsuk's army here as well, that traitor.

I really thought he would be of help to us but that's clearly not what turned out to happen. He never cared about Taehyung yet here he is. Is he afraid or was he truly loyal to his master from the start. Something I'll never know nor care about. He'll be dead after tonight anyway.

I look all around trying to catch the sight of the lux but I can't see him anywhere, they only have the strongest fighters on the front line and we of course did the same.

The strongest men of my army as well as the strongest men of Minho's army are lined up beside the two of us, each ready to fight. Not a lot of them have extra powers but strength and speed is what we really need. And since we can't hide our men they're all here ready to fight, not hiding in fear.

"You don't have to do this Soohyun, we can end this now." Taehyung says and I let out a scoff at his words. He really thinks I came all this way just to end it here.

"To come all this way with our army just to end it before any fun starts? No, I would love to see how this plays out." I laugh as Minho does the same, we might seem crazy but we've both set our minds on this and we both are going to see to it that our plans go through.

None of them will no longer rule as the top royals, they will be nothing while I'll be at top as it should be. Seokjin and Namjoon thought they we will make stronger force by joint powers with Taehyung but we're ready to take all of that down.

"This is your last chance to back down, the both of you." He says in such a dominating voice that would have sent shivers down my spine if I was truly scared but I'm not. I know what I want and I'm not going to back down to get it.

I will do anything to get what I want. What I deserve.

"I'm not backing down, I need to show Nahla a lesson which she seems to not have learned a hundred years ago." Minho laughs and as he says this Seokjin and Namjoon growl, almost running towards him with furious looks.

But before any of that could happen a loud scream of pain makes Taehyung and his men turn around in shock as they see one of their vampires heart ripped out of its chest from one of my men.

They didn't see that one coming.

I smirk as he, Taehyung, turns to me with a murderous look in his eyes. "I guess there's no going back now." This only makes him even more outraged and with my smirk widening, I knew it was now time.

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