༓☾ seven ☽༓

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"Unbind him and take him to the north wing to get cleaned and dressed. Also give him one of the empty rooms there and let him rest before dinner. He must be starving." He says in such a authoritative tone making no one question his words in the slightest and with that he leaves the room and the two vampires that had walked in with him start to make their way towards me which makes me look at them with uneasy eyes.

I can't even comprehend how he knew what to do and what to say. How did he know I had to tap my chest? How did he know that I needed to say that? How?

I felt uneasy with the whole situation and having the two vampires come my way wasn't making me feel any better.

I know that I can't fight them off, there is too many of them, there is nothing I can do by myself like this. I need to get back to uncle.

I need to go back home.

Before they can take anymore steps towards me Jimin stops in front of them holding out his hand to stop them from moving. "I think I should handle this, clearly he doesn't want to be near any vampires." They both look at each other and then back to Jimin while nodding their heads and patting his back. The one with blonde hair leans into his ear and whispers something which I can't hear and they both leave after Jimin nods his head.

The only ones left are me, Jimin, and the two other vampires who were looking closely at me, watching my every move as if I'm not bound to the chair unable to move.

Jimin makes his way to me with a small smile as he starts to untie the ropes and set my, now sore red wrists free and I instantly start to gently rub them and take a closer look as I bring them to my chest.

I shouldn't have moved around that much but I needed to tap my chest. The only good thing out of this situation is that I didn't pass out.

I know I should find a way to not have to tap my chest but it's become a habit, one that isn't easily broken.

He then unties the ropes around my legs and I'm finally set free but I don't get up right away. I decided to take in my surroundings fully and take in what is currently happening.

There isn't much in the room I'm currently in but once they take me outside I will be able to see a lot more. So for the time being I should cooperate with them and let them do as they please, unless they want to kill me which doesn't seem likely, and then I can make my escape.

Vampires can't be trusted, not until you know them, thats what my mother has told me. I know not to trust them easily after what they have done to my family, it doesn't matter even if he is the top royal.

"Come on Jungkook, let me take you to your room." Jimin says softly as he holds out his hand for me to take but all I do is look at it and then back to his face and continue to hold my hands to my chest. Even though he is a human he still can't be trusted since he sided with them. Why would he choose them over his own kind?

"Oh its okay if you don't want to, I just thought you might need some help." He retracts his hand and smiles at me again as I start to get up but I'm quick to feel dizzy and trip over my feet, bracing myself to fall but it never happens.

I feel cold arms wrap around me catching me before I hit the ground. They pull me up straight and hold me in place before quickly going back to open the doors. I stand there shocked as to what happened.

In a matter of seconds the vampire with brown slightly curly hair had caught me, set me straight, and then opened the doors.

Everyone knows that vampires are quick, yes but actually seeing it happen in front of me makes the situation different. They really do move quick, quicker than I had ever imagined.

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