༓☾ thirty two ☽༓

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Deep breath out.


Deep breath in.

Bring hand back.

And repeat.

I continue to punch the punching bag, doing exactly what Tae had told me to do. I have to breathe better and concentrate. I have to be able to know where my attacks come from because vampires move fast. If I mess up my breathing or loose my concentration, even for just a second, then I can loose my life in an instance.

I continue to punch and kick, trying to perfect each move.

This week and a half has been hectic. Everyone has been training non stop, day and night and only taking breaks when really necessary. Its making everyone on edge.

Any day now they can come and attack and we all need to be on our best behavior as well as prepared. But I think at this moment some of us are far from it.

It frustrates me that in a moment where we have to be together some of us are apart. There is nothing I can do to help either. It's something they have to figure out themselves.

Jimin has been yelling at his mates and Taehyung everyday for not allowing him to fight, for not allowing him to turn sooner. But we all know that he's just upset that they can get hurt and that he won't be able to do anything about it. He's also mad that me and my uncle will be joining while he isn't. We're humans too but we're hunters so we know how to fight against vampires.

While Soobin on the other hand is upset he isn't able to participate since they see him as too young. And it's true, he is, and he needs more training. He's ignoring everyone, including his parents, which has them also agitated.

But I can't let my self get involved at the moment. I need to make sure I'm ready to take down this royal. I need to make sure justice is served no matter what.

I go back to make sure that my breathing is controlled and my punches and kicks are precise.

All of a sudden I feel a chill run up my spine and I instantly turn around and kick whatever is coming my way. I barely hit them because they move out of the way, the top of my sneakers only skimming his abdomen.

"Now you're ready." I put my fists down and look up at Taehyung to see him smiling proudly at me. I smile at him as well, finally knowing that I did it right and that I'm ready.

But that soon leaves my mind when I notice he's shirtless. His beautiful toned abs right there in front of me to see.

He likes to train shirtless because he doesn't see the point of having one on. He says it only gets in the way which doesn't make sense because he doesn't go into battle shirtless but I guess he wants to be more comfortable when training.

His v line his very prominent making me want to see where the line ends. His body is sculpted so beautifully and perfectly. His chest wide and puffed out but its not because of the way he is standing but because of his muscles. He must workout his upper body the most because even his arms are so toned with his veins sticking out.

Oh god, did he really have to come here shirtless.

"I wouldn't have come here like this if I knew it would have distracted you." He lets out a chuckle as he comes closer to me with a smirk, making another shiver run down my spine.

"N-no this is perfect." I seriously have no shame but can I be blamed when he looks like this? He is already mine anyway so I have nothing to hide or mind. He might not be fully mine yet but he is still mine.

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