༓☾ twenty six ☽༓

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Sixth Royal Vampire POV

"Why would he want to come and see me?" I ask myself as my guard had just delivered news that the fourth royal will be coming for a visit.

He is interrupting my planning so for whatever reason he is coming for, better be a good reason or he wont be welcomed here any longer. I don't like to be interrupted when I'm planning.

I've been planning on going back to that stupid island once more to get back at Nahla. Does she not understand she's mine? Did she not understand that when I killed her lover? When I killed those two royal's son?

Well I guess she never will. But this time around I will make sure she understands who she belongs to.

I let out a small chuckle thinking about what I have up my sleeves. I will make her pay for not staying away like I had warned her last time. Does she think she grew stronger after that one hundred year rest? Well she should think again because I am a royal as well and I have a lot of people working for me. On top of that I know what will pull at her heart strings. I know what will make her heart break all over again just like the day I killed her lover.

I will let her think she got him back, but only for a few moments, and then I will take him away once more.

I saw her first, I treated her with care and love first, yet he got her. There is no fairness in that but this time I will make sure she knows who she belongs too.

A loud knock rings throughout my office and I turn around to the doors and yell, "Enter!" The door opens to reveal the Fourth royal as well as the Fifth royal. Both fully dressed in black but each with a different style. The Fourth royal, Soohyun, dressed in an all black suit, while the Fifth royal, Jongsuk, is dressed in black skinny jeans, a black dress shirt tucked into his belted jeans, and then a long black coat. I thought just the Fourth royal was coming but I guess not.

"Sorry for such the late call but I will need your help and I brought along the Fifth royal because I think he might be of use." Jongsuk, takes a seat immediately and I can see that he seems disinterested with the whole thing. I guess Soohyun just dragged him along without even telling him what its all about. 

"Well take a seat and I'll see if I can be of any help to you." I say as I offer him a seat and he takes it with a curt nod.

"Yes please do tell us why I was interrupted while I was in the middle of a very special moment." Jongsuk says with a dramatic sigh and I roll my eyes at him, knowing what he means by this "special moment." It most likely means he was having sex with some random group of people.

Out of all of us Jongsuk seems to be the most carefree, you would think he was one of the younger royals but no, he is even older than me.

"I don't know if you guys are aware of what a lux is or not...." Soohyun says and I give him a questioning look as the other royal finally looks interested in the topic.

"The lux was a creature made specifially for Taehyung, the higher being who made us made the lux. It is meant to make Taehyung even more powerful. To not only rule all vampires but to also rule all creatures. Witches, werewolves, and even humans. Once the lux comes of age, it will bond with Taehyung and his powers will only grow. And I don't want that to happen. He does not deserve even more power then he already has." He says with a disgusted scoff at the end and I roll my eyes at him. I have never really cared for Master Taehyung's power or position.

Its clear that he is meant for his roll and if he is to become even more powerful not much would change, he is too nice to do anything to anyone. I mean he didn't even kill me for killing his friends, who are more like a brothers to him, son. Even though not all of them are sure who killed the boy I know Taehyung knows and to this day he still hasn't killed me. Who knows if he will do it one day but I already got to accomplish what I wanted so I don't really care if he tries killing me at this point. Well let me finish this plan first.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. You dragged me here all because you're jealous of Master Taehyung. Oh pipe down, would you?" Jongsuk says as he shakes his head and lets out a sigh. He stands up as he looks at me and then back to Soohyun who looks at him with an irritated look.

"Are you not afraid that he is getting to strong? That he should not be the one to wield all that power?" Soohyun says as he stands as well. Childish, the both of them.

"No because we all know he is the best out of all of us to fit that roll. He knows how to lead and he isn't as cruel as you, he knows how to treat us and even the lower rank vampires. As for you, you would kill us all and the vampire race would go extinct in your hands." Jongsuk says as his piercing emerald eyes start to get brighter by the second, with each passing word.

Soohyun laughs as he looks back at Jongsuk with such an evil stare in his with his pure red eyes. "Fear keeps people in line. And at least I'm not like you who fucks every walking thing to fill the void of the lover who was killed many years ago. How many rebounds did you get after her death?" I knew a fight would break out right this second so I stand up and put my hands up instantly building an invisible electric veil between them that they cannot see nor pass through.

"You both come into my office and start a fight like some children. State your business now or leave." I stay sternly and I look over to Jongsuk to see that he has calmed down but still glaring at Soohyun.

"I don't want any part of this. And Soohyun at least I can get some dick and pussy unlike you. When was the last time you even got that useless thing up, huh?" I shake my head with a sigh and I let the veil drop and Jongsuk walks out of the room.

I let Soohyun's veil drop as well as I look at him with my eyebrows raised, waiting for him to talk. They have both wasted my time.

"I need you get me onto the island and into the palace. That is all I ask of you so that I will be able to kill the lux as I had intended on doing so years ago but it didn't turn out according to plan. But this time around I will definitely finish the lux off." He says as he takes his seat again with a more calm and collected look, the same look he had when he had walked into the room.

"And what makes you think that I would get you into there?" I ask as I take my own seat as well. Now understanding why he would have thought Jongsuk would have been of use. It really would have been easier with his power.

"Well I heard you're planning a little visit there yourself and I will happily provide you with anything you need if you take me there." He smirks at me and I smirk back knowing exactly what I needed from him.

If I can get my hands on a witch I will be able to execute my plan perfectly and I will make Nahla pay for not listening to my words and taking them lightly.

"Well Soohyun, you have yourself a deal."

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