༓☾ fifteen ☽༓

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Taehyung's POV 

"Don't worry he is safe here, I've made sure of it." I say as reassuringly as I can. I didn't want him taking him away. This time I'm keeping my ground and he can't do anything about it. It's best if he doesn't challenge me because he and I both know he will loose that challenge.

"I don't care Taehyung, from what you just told me he doesn't want to be there. Things will only get worse. You haven't seen him at his lowest points and trust me it can get a lot to handle." I grow irritated with each passing second a word leaves his mouth.

I get his concern, it's understandable, but what isn't understandable is the need for him to take him away from me, I'm not allowing it.

I have seen what he's been through, I have felt his pain and I grow mad with myself for not being there for him. To ease everything for him. I was suppose to be his protector but I knew I had to wait for things to come to their own accord and this time it has and I'm not letting anyone take it away from me.

"Sejin." I say with an authoritative voice, showing him how serious I am.

"I know what I'm doing, if you just taught him right this wouldn't have happened." He lets out a sigh on the other end and I knew I hit a slight nerve. He tried to keep him away from all this and make him hate vampires and used his parents as leverage but not all vampires are like that and Jungkook needs to know that, especially after what happened last night.

He had passed out while I was still on the other side of the door trying to calm him down and when I heard his heart beat settle and his heaving breath come to a normal breathing state, I knew it was okay for me to get to him.

I opened the door, no lock can stop me, and I picked him up with swift movements and set him on his bed gently.

I knew that it was a lot for him to take in, the sight of Jimin and being kidnapped by vampires, and I might not have handled the beginning of it all too well but I wasn't prepared to see him again and not like the way it happened.

"The way I taught and raised him is the right way. Vampires are awful creatures that need to be stopped and to all offensive I don't like you." I chuckle at his words which makes him chuckle as well.

I know he doesn't truly mean it but I can't blame him for having resentment towards vampires, what they did to him and his family is beyond horrible and for him to still talk and work with some of them is honorable of him. He's working passed his fear.

"No offense taken. On a serious note though, I will allow for you to come and visit but he will not be leaving with you and you will not be staying with him. I don't care for your extra words on the matter. He stays, end of discussion." I say with such authority and seriousness, a tone I don't usually use with him because I know the affect of it but I had to, I need him to stay here.

"Fine but I'm going to stay longer than a day, it's only fair." I grin at his words knowing I will be getting my way, it's not like I don't get my way most of the time anyway.

"But no longer than a week."

He lets out a sigh and I know he is going to agree. I don't want his presence to affect Jungkook and I don't want Jungkook to rely on him.

"Fine." And with that the call is ended.

I throw my phone off to the side of my desk as I look down at the files I had finished filling out and I take them all and stack them neatly off to the side so they know to take them and finish rest of the task.

As I finish I walk out of my office and make my way to Seokjin's office to tell him to prepare things for our guest.

I walk in without knocking knowing there's no one in there with him and he greets me with a huge smile as I walk in.

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