༓☾ seventeen ☽༓

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Play the song when it says to so you can get a better feel for the mood :)

I let out a sigh as I let the warm water run down my body washing me off.

I stand under the shower head as I let my mind drift off to the reason why I ended up sleeping for two days.

Jimin and Hoseok.

Taehyung didn't want to tell me that much about it since he wants them to explain it to me themselves but I'm not sure if I want to hear their explanation.

I've never seen bite marks on Jimin's body before, even when we were getting changed for training. He never had any but I know what they did two days ago wasn't the first time.

I know that I should at least listen to Jimin, I need to know why he would let a vampire do that to him. He's human, his first reaction is to get away from monsters, to not let them get close to him yet he doesn't run the other way. He gets close and he loves them. He lets them do things to him that I've always been taught are wrong.

I don't know what's right or wrong anymore.

I decided to stop thinking and actually shower so I can be done by the time uncle Sejin gets here. So I quickly shampoo my hair and condition as I lather my body with soap and cleaning myself off.

I turn the shower off and step out of the shower and grab my towel wrapping it around my waist.

I grab another towel to dry my hair off and as I walk back to my bedroom while drying my hair off with the towel.

I flop onto my bed and I hit my head on something hard and I instantly get back up with a small yelp passing my lips to find a fully dressed Taehyung sitting on my bed with a little smirk playing at his lips.

"I th-th-th-thought y-you lllll-left." I say as I try covering my chest not feeling comfortable with him looking at me with his burning eyes.

"I came to get you some comfortable clothing." He points to the chair off to the side of me that's set right in front of the dresser and I look to see my normal clothing and I couldn't help but smile.

Finally something that's more like me.

"Th-thank y-you." I say softly as I see the grey joggers and oversized black shirt. Exactly like my clothes back home. And as I look to the floor besides the chair I see a pair of black sneakers and I get even happier, and some comfortable shoes!

Not even thinking twice I go to unwrap my towel to get dressed but the small chuckle makes me stop my movements as I look back to Taehyung with a red face.

How could I forget that he's here?

"I'll wait outside but be done soon, your uncle will be here at any minute." And with that he goes out the door and closes it softly behind him.

I begin to dress as my mind drifts off to my uncle.

He's been here before, he knows these vampires and has worked them before but he taught me that all vampires are bad and not to he trusted.

I of course didn't believe all of his words but it still surprises me to hear him say that, especially now. He must have his reasons though. I mean his sister, my mom, and his best friend, my dad, were basically slaughtered by vampires and so of course he would think that of all of them.

For a little while I did too but I always remembered my mother's words on how they aren't all dangerous and then I lost some of my hatred for them but I wanted to protect the ones who can't protect themselves from the ruthless vampires who didn't care about anyone's lives.

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