༓☾ twenty seven ☽༓

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Fifth Royal's POV  (Jongsuk)

I let out a huff as I exit his office and make my way out of his mansion.

Soohyun thinks he has the element of surprise up his sleeve, well he should guess again. I'm heading straight to Master Taehyung. Not only to spite Soohyun but because I truly think Taehyung is the true ruler and master of vampires and if the higher being decided to let him become more powerful and made a creature all for himself then that gives us even more reason not to interfere.

I walk out of his mansion and instantly teleport to Taehyung's palace. I'm standing right outside the gates and when the guards take one look at me they instantly open the gates, letting me through. I speed up to the doors and they open immediately, allowing me to enter the palace.

As I walk in I see vampires walking around, going about their daily lives. The atmosphere here is more lively than I remember it. They all seem more uplifted and calmer.

Well I did come here many years ago, things do change. And by many I mean many. I've been too busy living my life that I rarely come to visit Master Taehyung and only come to the yearly royal meeting which isn't held on the island anyway. So there hasn't been a real need for me to come here. Not until today.

"How can I help you royal Jongsuk?" One of the guards asks with a warming smile and I smile back at his kindness, not being used to it since the other royals don't keep around nice guards. "I need to meet Master Taehyung right this second. Please tell him it's very urgent, life or death urgent." His smile is wiped off his face and replaced with a serious look in an instant and he quickly nods his head as he dashes off to find Taehyung.

I stand there patiently waiting, not wanting to overstep my visit in anyway. I already showed up unannounced and I didn't bring any of my own guards. I just came by myself which is very unusual for a royal.

So I just look around while waiting, having nothing else to do. Wanting to be respectful so that also means not flirting with anyone who passes by or doing anything stupid.

"Hey watch out!" I hear but before I can even look in the direction of the sound, I'm knocked down to the floor with another person on top of me.

I look up to be met with a pair of orange brown eyes, the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Surrounding his pupils is a ring of brown but then surrounding that brown is a beautiful fiery orange. I can just stare at his eyes all day. Without even thinking twice I reach up and push the strand of hair that's covering his eye. I know I have seen these eyes before.

"So beautiful." He looks at me with a red face as he instantly stands up bringing me up along with him. Strong as well I see. I like it.

"S-Sorry. My brother was trying to throw a dart at me and he missed and I saw it was going in your direction. So I stopped it...." he holds up the dart and then sheepishly looks away, not knowing what else to say.

"Well thank you but I am a vampire, a royal at that, the dart wouldn't have hurt me at all." I say, not understanding why he would even bother saving me, it'll easily heal.

He looks up at me with big eyes and I take in his beautiful eyes once again. "I hadn't realized you were a royal. These are paralyzing darts which only affect royals since the ones used on regular vampires doesn't work on us. But it only lasts a minute and it's just some stupid game my brother and I play." I look at him confused when he said us, is he a Royal too? As soon as I ask myself that I get a whiff of his scent and surely he is, a pure blood royal. And why on earth would they play with darts like that?

He must have caught on to my confusion and offers me his hand. "I'm Yeonjun, second born of Namjoon and Seokjin, the second and third royals. So my brother and I are full blood royals, pure bloods. And the first to be conceived by two royals." He says proudly and I shake his hand with a smile playing at my lips. He's cute.

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