༓☾ thirty ☽༓

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Jungkook's POV

We both walk back into the room and away from everyone but that doesn't mean we were left alone for long. The second we get into the room and Taehyung pulls me close to him, the door slams open. Reviling my uncle standing there with the same shocked look he had when I was looking at him from before.

But this time it looks a little different.

I think he looks a little proud.

"Please give me a second alone with my nephew." He says and I look to Taehyung to see him nod and with a quick kiss to my forehead he leaves the room, pulling Hyungsik along with him. Who was a little reluctant to leave my uncle alone.

Once the doors close he rushes over to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Jungkook, you spoke, you spoke without a single stutter." He says with a shock and shaky filled voice. I hug him back just as tight, willing my tears to stay back.

"I'm so sorry that I have never had enough faith in you to overcome this. If I just believed in you a little more you would have overcome it a while back. I'm so proud of you Jungkook. Oh god, how did you even stop stuttering?" He asks as he pulls back and holds my shoulders at arms length and looks at me curiously.

I let out a small chuckle with a blush instantly dusting my cheeks. He looks shocked for a second but quickly overcomes it and let's out a chuckle of his own. "I should have known it was always going to be him." He lets out a sigh as he pats my shoulder with a sad smile.

"You probably don't remember the whole trip from when I brought you here the first time around because I made sure there would be parts you wouldn't remember. For that I'm really sorry." I look at him a little confused, not getting at what he's trying to say.

He leads me to take a seat and I take it without a word and he sits across from me with the same sad smile he had just a few moments ago. He looks up at me and tries to give me a happy smile but it doesn't work as he continues on with the sad smile.

"We came here when you really young because I had something to talk about to Taehyung and you were not suppose to meet, but somehow you guys did. I don't think I had ever seen you so comfortable and relaxed with anyone after your parents passing. You were like your old self again and it made me so happy but you guys were not meant to meet then and so Taehyung erased that memory, wiping out the memory of you guys having fun and keeping only a few that can eventually resurface." He lets out a sigh and looks towards the fire burning in the fireplace, the orange and red flickering.

"I should have let you guys meet sooner or maybe I should have let you stay here with him. Let him train and teach you but I let my own selfishness get in the way. You would have gotten over your trauma a while back but I just built that trauma up. I'm so sorry Jungkook. I'm really sorry Kook." I shake my head as I get up and decide to do something I haven't done in a while.

I sit down on his laps and wrap my arms around him, resting my head on his chest. He lets out a chuckle once I sit down on his lap but he wraps his arms around me nonetheless and we sit there in silence for a few moments.

In this moment, I feel like I'm little again. Back in my dads lap while he tells me a story or when he tries to take me to sleep. My head resting on his chest and his arms around me, keeping me warm and safe.

"Uncle, what you did was not wrong because I would not have become who I am now if you kept me with Taehyung. I wouldn't have known who you were. You're my family and I love you and not getting to know you would have killed me. So don't blame yourself." He hugs me a little tighter and once again we sit there in a comfortable silence.

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