༓☾ sixteen ☽༓

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I sit on the cold sand while letting out a small sigh waiting for my uncle to finish his meeting or whatever the hell he is doing.

I don't know where I am exactly and Sejin uncle didn't really explain what we were doing here and I didn't want to ask him because just the other day I had a stuttering panic attack so I haven't been up for talking.

As I sit on the sand I start to play around with it by drawing little things here and there hoping that uncle would be done soon.

Its actually really nice here and I love looking out at the ocean.

But I feel so sad coming here alone. Nothing can make me feel warm and happy like I did with my parents.

This is the first time I've seen the ocean. My mom said that we would go see it one day, all of us as a family but it never happened but at least I still got to see it.

I just want my mom and dad back but I know they wont be coming back. Its already been a few years and I should get over it but I never will be able to. That's a huge piece of me gone.

"What are you doing out here all by yourslef little one?" I quickly turn my head towards the deep voice and I'm met with a brown haired man with piercing gold eyes.

Gold eyes?

I've only ever heard of one person having gold eyes my entire life and eomma said it was a vampire and not just any vampire but the top royal vampire.

I look at him in shock not fully comprehending whose standing in front of me. He can't really be the top royal vampire can he? But if he isn't why would his eyes be such a bright gold color?

He starts to walk closer to me and I continue to stare at him not uttering a word.

He is really tall, well everyone looks tall to me since I'm only ten at the moemnt and I have a long way to grow, his hair is a light brown but it was also kind of long, specifically from the back and its look really good on him for some reason. He is wearing a long black coat and I see that he is also wearing black pants and shoes. I guess black his is faviorte color.

When he sits next to me I look up at his face and I see how smooth and perfect it looks. There is no bumps, it was just really white and smooth. I want to reach out to confirm my suspicion but I hold back not really knowing if I should trust him. He is a vampire after all.

But I couldn't stop staring at his eyes, they are just so bright and gold. I have never seen any thing like them before. They 're big and when I look closer at them I can see little specks of a darker gold in there but overall its just gold and its beautiufl.

Its as if its putting me in some sort of trance but I don't really mind it.

I shiver from the cold which is what breaks me out of my trance and I look awy from his eyes not wanting to get lost in them again. I don't even know who he is and I'm only a kid and if he is a vampire than I wont stand a chance against him.

Thats why I got keep training like uncle tells me to.

"Here, you seem a little cold." He wraps a scarf, that I didn't see on him before, around me. Its big enough to cover my shoulders and my chest as well my arms.

I instanlty feel warmer just from the scarf and I let out a content sigh from it. I pull it tighter around me and I find instant comfort from it and I relish in the feeling of it. The scent coming off the scarf made me feel safe and warm and it makes me want to keep this scarf forver. The sadness that was consuming me before leaves me and I feel good which I haven't felt in a while.

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