༓☾ nineteen ☽༓

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"W-what?" I say as I lay my hand on my chest trying to calm my breathing down. I can't freak out now I need to be able to hear what he has to say. I'm finally getting answers.

"Jungkook...." He looks away from me unable to keep eye contact as he looks towards the books on the shelves and my breathing starts to pick up. Its okay Jungkook, nothing to get so worked up about. Its nothing huge, my parents were hunters of course they had enimes.

I try to calm myself down and little by little it starts to work and I let out small breaths and then I look back to my uncle and he still won't look my way.

"We're special in a way. You, your mom, and I. All three of us, we have something special inside of us." I look at him questiongly not quite understandng what he's trying to point at but I don't ask any questions and I let him continue.

"We're not really human Jungkook, what they call our kind is lux. Not a lot of people know about us since it only runs in our family. The only ones to know are the royals, meaning royal vampires, witches, and werewolves." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.


Thats what Nahla had mentioned at the ball. She knew what I was, of course she knew because shes a royal, a royal witch.

"Lux were only made for one particular reason and that is to create another species, a stronger one. One that no one will dare try to fight so that peace can be made throughout the world, to bring a new light. The divine being who made us chose our family line to carry the blood of the lux but the thing is that even though we all hold the blood of the lux not all of us are meant to be the exact one to carry on that speicies." I can't help but be confused. So we're luxes but only one of us is meant to carry on the species?

"See the lux was made to match a specific other creature. And that would be a royal vampire but not just any royal vampire." This is where I see Sejin start to shake a little bit and that's when Taehyung stands up and makes his way over to my uncle and lays a gentle arm on his shoulder to get his attention.

For some reason I don't like seeing him do that. He doesn't need to touch him to get his attention, he can call his name out.

Sejin instantly relaxes as Taehyung gestures for him to take a seat and once he does Taehyung turns his attention to me. With a gentle look directed towards me he begins to talk.

"The lux line are connected to me Jungkook. They were made so that when the right one comes along we would mate and then we would make the new species come to life. It starts with me and my mate. The lux have never been seen because none of them have fully activated their power. See you're very good at hunting, better than a regular human and that is due to you being a lux but the power you hold within you is so much more than just that but it won't be activated or used at its fullest potential unless you're the right one. The one to be my mate."

My heart clenches at his words, not liking the idea that I might not be the one, the one to be his mate. I don't want to think of anyone else being with him and even though I don't know what I'm feeling, I know that he makes me feel something and I don't want that to just go away because I'm not the right one.

I'm this creature called a lux and I have these supposed powers within me but they're of no use if I'm not his mate. It won't really change me so I don't really care for this at the moment. I want to know more about my parents. What does this have to do with my parents being targeted?

"You see there is seven vampire royals. There's me, who is the top royal, Seokjin and Namjoon and then four others. Seokjin ans Namjoon joined their royalty with mine so that our clan can become larger and more prowerful and when the other royal vampires saw that they resented us because they didn't want me getting even more powerful then I already was. And when they got news of the lux they knew my weak spot. That's why they targeted your parents." He walks closer towards me and sits down next to me with a small sigh passing his lips. His eyes get brighter with emotions running through them and it made me want to be just engulfed by him but I needed to know more.

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