༓☾ thirty six ☽༓

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Taehyung's POV

From afar I look out to see Jungkook and his uncle talking and I try not to listen in to their conversation but I couldn't help it. I need to know what his uncle is saying to him.

"Uncle everything will go fine today but please, still be careful." Jungkook says in such a soft cute voice which is also laced with a concerned tone. I want to be able to hold him in my arms all day and never let him be a part of this. I don't want him hurt or concerned.

It's already Tuesday, meaning the war will now happen anytime. Jin says that it'll happen around midday but we decided to get a head start and we're now up at five in the morning preparing. Visions can change, if one thing is changed it can change the whole outcome so we know that they can attack earlier. We've changed so much since the mission; our flags aren't up, we're already awake and ready at such a time, and everyone who can't fight has been hidden away safely.

We're ahead of them so it changes so much but we're not sure what it changes. Still we're preparing for anything.

Everyone is talking to their loved ones, trying to get any last words out. I hate it.

I know I've always seemed cold to a lot of people but I do care if anyone looses their loved ones or anyone important to them because I've lost my important people, so I know how it feels.

And now I have the most important person in my life and there is a chance I could loose him.

I have to not let that happen and I have to make sure that no one looses their loved ones, their important people.

I look to my left to see Namjoon and Seokjin resting their foreheads against each other's as they stay in each other's arms. They're not saying a word but their actions and thoughts say so much more.

I look to my right to see Yoongi and Hoseok whispering amongst each other and I decide to listen in, not like I really have to if I just read their mind, but I still do it.

"Jimin is safe Yoongs, everything will be fine, okay? All we have to do is get through this so we can all be together again." Hoseok says as he lays a gentle kiss to Yoongi's lips which makes him smile a little, but it quickly goes away as fast as it came.

"I love you, Hoseok and I love Jimin. I can't loose either of you." Yoongi's tone doesn't hold anything to it but the way his eyes are sparkling and gleaming, you can tell all the emotion he wants to convey through his words are there.

Yoongi isn't cold hearted, he just has trouble getting his emotions out there. He might act like he doesn't like the attention or the love but he does and deep down he's a big softy, but only to those he cares about.

I'm not worried about him and Hoseok on the battle field together, no one stands a chance against them. They're a duo who is unstoppable when they put their powers together and it's something really worth watching. They'll be okay.

I let out a heavy sigh as I try to forget it all and to get back to paying attention to Jungkook, but something in the corner of my eye catches my attention.

I turn around to see Jongsuk and Yeonjun talking about something, with Yeonjun looking very flustered.

In interest, I turn my attention towards them.

"Yeonjun, come on please." I hear Jongsuk beg which is quite unusual. He usually never begs while others beg him. Oh Yeonjun, what have you got yourself into?

"I said no Jongsuk." He tries to walk past him but Jongsuk pulls him into his chest and holds onto him tightly, not letting him move. "I know you said after the war that you'll tell me but no, I can't take that chance. I can't loose you and I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do but I need to." And with no time given to process any of his words, Jongsuk places his lips onto Yeonjun's. He gently starts to kiss Yeonjun who seems to be frozen in place.

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