Chapter 1

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I, Bailey Dillon, the younger sister of the one the only RICKY DILLON! I'm 18 and am moving in with Ricky and his o2l friends since our parents died in a car crash and that's the only place I can go. Ricky lives with Jc, Sam, Trevor, Kian, and Connor. I'm moving in today and I'm excited to see his friends again. I see them a few other times, but not for long.
Ricky and I now stand at the door to his house and all my bag at our sides. Ricky knocks on the door and the door soon opens. Ricky has been away from the guys for about a month now so they must be excited to see each other. Jc is on the other side of the door, I watch their videos all the time.
I'm 18 and yes I was living with my parents because no please seemed to want to hire me for a job because I'm not too serious. I'm just like by brother.
Ricky and Jc hug and Jc turns to me. "Welcome," he says and gives me a huge hug. Ricky and Jc help me take my bags into the large house and the other guys are laughing and joking around. "Let me show you to your room," Jc says and the three if us walk up the stairs careful not to drop anything. My room is the second to the last door on the right. The door says "Room of Bailey"
"Thank you," I say as Ricky opens the door. We set my things inside.
"We were planning on going out to eat, is that ok with you Bailey?" Jc asks.
"Sure, why not," I say and we rush down the stairs. I'm introduced to everyone even though I already know them. We pile into two deprecate cars. In the one I'm in its me in the back behind the driver who is Jc, in the passenger seat we have Kian, and in the back with me is RICKY! we talk all the way there and we arrive at Tacobell. YAY! We all head into Tacobell and I am seated between Kian and Sam. We are waiting for our food and I think back to the time I called Ricky after our parents died in the crash.
-----Thinks Back-----
I pick up my phone and quickly call Ricky. "Pick up Pick up," I whisper under my breath.
"Hey Bails, what's up?" Ricks asks.
"R-ricky," I sob into the phone.
"Bails what is it?" Ricky asks in a concerned voice.
"Mom and dad," I spit out.
"What about them?"
"T-they di-died in a c-ar c-cr-crash."
"Ricky can I stay with y-you and your friends.
"... Yah... I guess. Bailey I love you but keep in mind this wont be permanent. This will only be temporary. As soon as we find you a job I don't care where you go from there but you'll have to leave."
"I'll be right there," Ricky says and before he hangs up I hear him start to cry.
------End of thinking back-----
The words of Ricky telling me that this stay in temporary repeat in my mind. It's been hard for me to get a job since i 'Cant be takes seriously'. My heart and mind are racing and I'm breathing heavily.
"Bailey! BAILEY!" I hear my name and my mind and heart go back to normal. I'm still breathing heavily and I look to Kian who was calling my name. "You ok?" Kian asks.
"I'm fine," I say putting on a fake smile.
"Your not ok," Ricky says and all attention is his. "Your not ok. What's wrong?"
"I just need some air," I say and get up from the table and walk out of Tacobell and lean up against the wall. I hear the door to Tacobell open and close and out of the corner of my eye I see Kian walking towards me. He leans up agains the wall beside me.
"What's wrong?" Kian asks after a few moments of silence.
"Nothing," I say.
"Bailey," Kian says softly.
"KIAN!" I yell and walk briskly across the parking lot and up the street. Away from Tacobell. Away from the O2l house.
My pace picks up a bit when I hear someone running up behind me, most likely Kian. He grabs my shoulder and I turn around with tears in my eyes. "What!" I yell at him.
"What's wrong?" He asks sweetly.
I burst into tears and Kian pulls me into a hug and I hug him back.
Kian and u walk up the road a little farther to a bench and sit down. I finally rub the tears away from my eyes. "The night I called Ricky, after the crash," I start, "he said this was a temporary stay and he doesn't care where I go. He wants me out soon as possible. He doesn't care about me, Kian. He thinks I'm a bother," I say.
"No, your brother loves you. Don't forget that. He loves you," Kian says smiling and we both stand up. I give him a quick hug and we walk back to Tacobell.
We go inside and sit back down. "What ha-" Sam starts and Kian cuts him off "everything's fine," Kian says and we start to eat.

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