Chapter 2

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Beam POV

Today is the first day of classes. I'm wearing my uniform which is just a white button up shirt, black dress pants, black shoes and my med student tie. Pha called me this morning and asked if I wanted a ride to campus, but I told him I would take the bus. As much as I would rather avoid public transportation, Pha attracts too much attention. Being an Alpha and a playboy I know he will be swarmed by girls and boys all morning.

I take one last look in the mirror before I cover myself in scent neutralizer. This way, no one can catch my omega pheromones coming from me. I hesitate to leave for a few minutes. "You can do this," I tell myself before I head out.

As I close the door of my room I catch a sweet scent. What is this? It smells like a cool ocean breeze. I realize I am caught in the moment for too long as I look at my watch. "Shit I'm gonna be late!"

Forth POV

I wake up and slowly look around my room trying to adjust my eyes. What the fuck happened last night? As I start to get up I hear my phone ring.


"Dude you sound terrible. Did you just wake up?" It's Lam.

"Yes.. What the fuck happened last night?"

"You got super wasted at the bar. When we tried taking you home you insisted that you go with some guy instead. " I don't remember any of that. And yes before you ask, I do swing both ways. I look around. It looks like my room at least and no one is here. I never let one night stands in my room. 

"Lam, I have no idea what happened, but I'm in my room now."

"Okay well quickly get dressed. We have classes today."

I hang up before getting up and putting my clothes on. I'm wearing dark blue jeans with my blue engineering jacket over my black shirt. Looks decent enough. Then I quickly grab my keys before heading to campus. 

Beam POV

Just as I thought, I arrive to see Pha surrounded by students.

"How long has it been like this?" I ask Kit as I take the seat next to him.

"Since we arrived. I should have just taken the bus with you." If looks could kill Pha would be dead. Unlike Pha, Kit is a Beta. That means no one bothers to even glance his direction especially when Pha is around. I sympathize with him because I know how much people can overlook Betas with no status. 

"Don't pout too much. You'll get your chance," I pat him on the back for encouragement. 


We continue having our conversation before the class begins. I hear everyone whine as Pha slips past them into the room and takes a seat next to us. 

"You know you're ridiculous right?" I raise my eyebrow at him in amusement.

"Yeah well I can't help it if I'm this handsome. I've already been asked to be the moon of the faculty in the competition and it's only the first day." His gleaming smile shines through the room.

"How is that even possible?" I look at him in disbelief while Kit is sitting there crossing his arms. He's in an even worse mood now and Pha is oblivious to the situation. I try to calm him down but then the professor walks in to start class. 

Pha leans over and whispers "You two are coming with me this afternoon to the moon gathering." We both roll our eyes and shake our heads annoyed. This is gonna be a long day. 


Hi again. So I'm hoping that this set up is going good. Let me know what you think. I'm nervous

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