Chapter 3

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Forth POV

I'm so beyond annoyed at this point. I'm sitting at this stupid moon gathering glaring while Lam makes fun of me the entire time.

"I still can't believe that P'Kongpob made you be the faculty moon this year." I'm glaring daggers at him but he continues to laugh in my face.

"Yeah well it's not like I could say no!" I yelled back.

Damn it. As much as I don't want to be here I can't defy my senior. Especially P'Kongpob. He's the head hazer this year and he's ruthless. I heard he learned everything from his Omega who is worse than him as a head hazer. I can't even imagine an omega having that much power. I shiver at the thought.

"Oh come on dude it won't be that bad. It looks like that guy over there might end up winning anyways."

I look to see where Lam is pointing. It's a tall guy flashing his cheesy smile while a bunch of students surround him. I roll my eyes. Good he can have the title. I don't care I thought before turning my gaze somewhere else.

Beam POV

"'I think this was a bad idea," I whisper to Kit away from the crowd.

"I don't even know why he wanted us to come if he just ignores us the whole time."

I agree with Kit on this one, but as much as I want to leave I don't want to listen to Pha complain later if we ditch him now.

We both take a seat a few feet away from Pha silently. I can tell that Kit is still fuming over the whole ordeal. I myself am too mentally exhausted to say anything to him. I'll just let it pass. I start to look around at the other people here. They're all pretty good looking. All probably Alphas too. I sigh. Why does everything revolve around them?

As I continue to sit there I catch a whiff of something. Something familiar.

"Hey Kit. Do you smell that?"

He turns to look at me confused. "Smell what?"

"Like an ocean breeze."

"Um no. We're nowhere near the ocean stupid." He turns back around to glare at Pha longer.

"I must be imagining it.." I say to myself before I sigh again.

Forth POV

I continue to glare at that guy. He looks so stupid and full of himself. I just wanna go over there and wipe the smirk off his face. I suddenly stand and Lam looks at me confused.

"Where are you going?"

Without answering I take long strides until I stop in front of that guy.

"You do realize you're causing an annoying scene right?" He turns to look at me. His alpha aura is evident but I won't back down for that.

"And you do realize that this is none of your business right?" He glares at me. Both of our auras are overwhelming, but neither one of us backs down. People around us start to disperse in order to get away.

"Nice attitude." I smirk at him. "Forth." I hold out my hand.

"Pha." He shakes my hand smirking as well. "I see you're from the engineering faculty. Here to win?"

"More like forced to participate." He scoffs and I roll my eyes.

I watch as he turns away and leaves. He's headed towards a table where two other students are sitting.

"What was that all about?" Lam asks.

"Just some friendly competition." I say.

I turn to leave when I catch a scent. Something I've never smelt before. I turn abruptly around and try to locate it. I feel drawn to it. It smells like honey, but it's intoxicatingly sweet to me. I slowly start to walk towards it until I am standing in front of one of the boys who's sitting at Pha's table. He looks at me in confusion. I let out a low growl as I'm consumed by his smell.

"Mine" I say after grabbing him by the arm. He looks terrified.


Hi guys. What do you think so far? I'm really thinking hard about this plot.

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