Chapter 10

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Beam POV

It's been a month and I was finally able to go to the hospital to get the wrap taken off my hand. Pha and Kit took me because Forth had a class. I told him I could meet him at his faculty afterwards for lunch but he seems very reluctant to have me there. I feel like he's trying to hide me.

"I think you should just surprise him" - Kit

"What if he gets mad?"

Kit just rolls his eyes. "He never gets mad at you."

That's true. I've been with him for a month and he's never mad at me personally. After some convincing from Kit I have Pha drop me off at the engineering faculty. I walk to the canteen when I see him sitting at a table while a bunch of guys in red uniforms surround him. They suddenly turn their direction to me after someone points me out. That doesn't look good.

Forth POV

I'm sitting down with Lam and Park waiting for my lunch when I see P'Kong, P'Aim, P'Tew, P'Wad, and P'Oak walk towards us. They're this years hazing team.

"Hey guys getting lunch?"

"Yes P'Kong. Are you guys too?" I answer but don't expect much of a response. I look up and he just nods in response

"Do you guys want to jo-"

"DUDE!!!!!" Lam is cut off by P'Oak who is tugging on P'Aim's shirt. "Look at that." He's pointing at something but I'm uninterested at the moment.

"Who's that?" Aim raises his eyebrow.

"How could you not know? That's the medical faculty's angel omega N'Beam" I snap my head in that direction when I hear Beam's name. I see him walking this direction with that beautiful smile of his and I just want to melt. Why is he so cute? I snap back to reality hearing P'Oaks next comment. "What I wouldn't give to be with that. Look at his cute face and beautiful red lips. It makes me want to eat him." I can barely hold the rage as I almost snap my fork in half at that comment. I'm probably glaring holes into his head. "Look he's coming over here!"

"Um P.... I would stop if I were you" Lam tries to warn him of the situation but I'm already thoroughly pissed off. P'Kong must have noticed.

"Hey Forth. Are you okay?"

Park immediately scoffs. "How could he be when P'Oak is making eyes at his omega." At that moment all of the seniors burst out with laughter.

"OMG PARK that was a good one." P'Oak wipes a tear from his eye making me almost tackle him with rage.

I'm about to stand up and punch him when I feel two hands wrap around me from behind and a kiss on the top of my head. "Hey baby. Am I late?"

Beam POV

I get close enough to hear the conversation. I hear Park claim that I'm Forth's omega, which makes me blush a little bit, before I hear everyone laughing at Forth. He looks like he's about to snap. I can feel his anger coming so I do the only thing I can. I wrap my arms around him and place a kiss on the top of his head. "Hey baby. Am I late?" I watch as almost all of their jaws drop to the floor except for one. I can't help but smile at that.

"No you actually have perfect timing" he responds before I take the seat next to him holding his hand tightly and rubbing the back with my thumb.

"Who are they?"

"They're my seniors. P's this is Beam" I can tell that he is still heated from earlier.

"Hi P's. I'm Beam Forth's omega. Nice to meet you." I lean my head on Forth's shoulder and I can feel him relaxing more. He wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

"What?!?!?!?" How could N'Forth get an omega like that!? You should leave him N'Beam. I'm much better than this junior here"

"P'Oak stop" Lam warns him but Forth's aura is out. I can feel it. People around us are getting tensed. He's about to get up when I squeeze his hand tightly. He looks down at me and I smile at him for reassurance.

"P'Oak was it? I hate to sound rude I don't care for your tone. What makes you think you can insult MY Alpha like that to me? He's mine so I won't have anyone saying bad thing about him in front of me do you understand!?" I could tell I shocked everyone with my little outburst but I didn't care. He's rude. I can see the smirk on Forth's face as he looks at his senior.

"Come on N'Beam I was only kidding." He reaches for my hand and I pulled it away from him abruptly. "Don't touch me. Only Forth is allowed to because I'm HIS. Hmph." I cross my arms across my chest while Forth rubs my back trying to calm me down.

Everyone is silent until I hear someone start laughing out loud. "I can't believe you tried to touch him in front of his Alpha and I can't believe he is so possessive over you and himself at the same time!" He was laughing really hard at his friend for a while before he calmed down. "He must really love you Forth"

"P'Kong. That's embarrassing." I hear Forth say before I smile at him.

"All things aside I have something to talk to these two about. Can you guys give us a moment?" Everyone gets up and leaves before I see him take a seat in front of us.

"What's up P?" Forth asks.

"You guys are a fated pair right?" We both nod our heads. I'm confused on where this conversation is going. "And you're a pure blood omega right?"

"How did you-"

"It's very rare you know. To meet your fated pair and it be a pure blood for both sides. A pure blood Alpha isn't unusual but pure blood omegas are rare within itself. You're lucky that your partner is one of them Forth. I can tell you're good for each other." I smile at that comment. "Treasure him okay? And protect him well or I'll kick your ass" Forth nods firmly at that statement. "Well I won't disturb you any longer."

"Wait! How did you know that I'm a pure blood? Usually you can't tell those things right away."

"Oh that's because my fated omega is also a pure blood. You should meet sometime. I'm sure you guys have a lot of things in common. I'll set something up with Forth."

"Thanks P. I would love that" I say smiling. Another pure blood omega? It'll be the first time I've ever met someone like me. I watch him leave us there.

"So what are we eating?" I ask Forth before we continue to eat lunch. Things are turning out pretty good for me so far.

Hi guys. It's not. Spicy chapter but I really felt the need to at it in there. I hope you're liking it so far. Thanks for reading.

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