Chapter 17

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Beam POV

It's lunch time and I decided to go to the Engineering faculty to meet Forth today. Pha has been taking really good care of Yo so I have more time spend to with Forth. I'm even letting Yo stay at Pha's apartment some nights, with a lot of rules of course. 

I noticed, though, that since this morning, Forth has been extra clingy to me and I don't know why. 

I arrive and he orders our food before sitting down next to me and pulling me close to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face into my neck taking in my scent. I feel his leg shaking uncontrollably while he continues to cling to me.

"Baby are you okay?" I turn towards him and look up. He just nods before pulling me into him again. 

"Wow Forth. No need to be so clingy to Beam. He's not going anywhere." Lam tried to tease him but was met but an unwelcoming glare instead. He swallowed hard before averting his gaze. 

I see Park make his way to the table with lunch for Lam and himself. "Hey guys. Beam it's been a while." He goes to pat me on the shoulder but Forth slaps him hand away and tries to bring me closer to him. I end up sitting on his lap while he holds onto me tightly for the rest of the lunch.

"Baby are you sure you're okay?" I ask caressing his cheek before I leave. He leans into my touch while both of his hands are wrapped around my waist pulling me to him tightly.

"Yeah. I'm okay." He breathes out. I look at him worried and he just reassures me that he is fine. 

"Okay. I'll pick you up after your class today okay?" He nods again burying his face into my neck. Okay what is wrong with him? I leave and head to my faculty. 

I sit down in class and wait for Pha and Kit. I see them enter and sit next to me. "Hey guys? Forth has been acting really strange all day."

"Strange how?" Pha looks interested.

"I don't know. He's just been really clingy to me. I know he's usually clingy but this is way more than usual."

"Are you sure you're not just exaggerating?" Kit tries to tease.

"Maybe... I don't know. Something seems off." 

They go with me after class to the engineering faculty to see what I'm talking about. When we get there, Forth immediately makes his way to me and embraces me tightly while burying his face in my neck. I turn around to talk to Pha and Kit and he stands there tightly embracing me from behind like I'm going to disappear. 

Kit looks like he had a realization and went to lean in to whisper to me when he's met by an evil glare and growl from Forth. I look up confused. 

"Baby it's okay. It's just Kit." He still pulls me closer to him. Kit grins at the scene. Okay he definitely knows what's going on.

"Hey Beam. When was the last time you went into heat?"

I was confused by the question but tried to answer. "Its been a while. I think a year probably. Why?" Now Pha is also smirking. He's obviously caught on to what Kit is thinking. 

"Guys what's going on?"

"You're in heat. I know you don't get them anymore but think about it. Your alpha still smells your pheromones when you're going into heat. He must be intoxicated by it." I look up at Forth who is still clinging to me. No wonder he is so possessive today. I give them the sign that I get it now before they leave us.

I turn to look at Forth and wrap my arms around his neck, "Hey let's go home okay?" I whisper in his ear and he nods before we walk to my car.

Forth POV

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