Chapter 20

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Beam POV

Today Forth and I were invited to P'Kong's apartment for a visit. I figured that I would bring Yo along so that he could meet someone who was also a pure blood omega like us. It would give him someone else to relate to besides me. Plus, I know that Arthit will love Yo as much as he loves me. 

We got there and, as usual, Arthit pulled me into a large hug. 

"Beam I missed you!" 

"I missed you too!" I said hugging back tightly. 

"And who is this?" He asks after pulling away.

"This is my brother Yo."

Yo is hiding behind me while Arthit is trying to take a look at him. "You're one of us aren't you?!" He seems very excited

Yo nods his head in surprise before coming out to greet the other omega. We go to the living room and all take a seat. I sit on Forth's lap while Arthit sits on P'Kong's lap. 

"So? Why did you want us to meet you today?" Forth asks slowly stroking my back. 

"We have some good news." P'Kong says. "Tell them baby." He nudges Arthit who blushes hard. 

"Wait. Don't tell me you're pregnant!" I squeal. He nods before burying his head in P'Kong's chest in embarrassment. P'Kong strokes his hair lovingly. 

"How did you know?" P'Kong asks.

"Arthit is practically glowing. How could I not?" Arthit blushes even more while clutching onto P'kong's shirt.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" I say.

"Yeah. Congratulations." Yo chimes in. 

"Well I'm just surprised that Forth hasn't gotten you pregnant yet." Says P'Kong. "I saw how rough he was on you with the way you walked last time." I was embarrassed now and so was Yo while Arthit slapped him hard on the arm.

"Kong! That wasn't very nice!" 

"Oh P'Arthit. I was just trying to stop him from making you more embarrassed. Why do you always defend him?"

"Because we're the same." He says smiling at me. I smile back at him. 

We talk for a while and have lunch before we are on our way. We go to meet Pha to drop off Yo at his dorm. Yo is living full time at Pha's place now. However, we still have our deal about no funny business until he is of age. 

"Thanks for bringing him here Beam. I'm really grateful that you're letting him stay here."

"I'll only allow it because you are my best friend, but remember he is my little brother. I really need you to protect him and take care of him especially with my father after us."

"I'll do anything to protect him."

"I know you will." I give Yo a hug before leaving him to go home. I can't help but worry over my brother's well-being.  





"Huh!" I jump at the sudden call of my name. I was so consumed in my thoughts that I didn't realize Forth was calling me. 

"Are you okay?" He caresses my thigh while parking the car at our apartment. 

"Mmmmm" I say still staring out the window. 

"Baby I can feel your worry a mile away. Did you forget I feel your emotions?"

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