Chapter 30

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Third Person POV

Beam sat in the waiting room of the hospital anxiously. 

"Baby you need to calm down. You're freaking me out." 

"But what if I really am pregnant? I still have a year left of school and you have half a year left. What if I can't finish? What if you can't graduate or lose your job offer because of me or we can't-mmmmm"

Before he could finish Forth cut him off with a kiss. "Just breathe Beam," He said slowly caressing his cheek. Beam inhaled deeply before letting out a shaky breath. "It'll be alright" He says before pulling Beam into a tight hug. Beam wraps his arms around Forth's neck and inhales his scent deeply. 

"Okay..." He whispers snuggling closer to him. 

They sat like this for a while longer while Forth sent calming pheromones his way. 

"Baramee Vongviphan" Beam jumped at the sound of his name. Forth coaxed him out of his seat before they walked over to the nurse. 

They entered a small room. "Please have a seat" The nurse motioned to a seat and Beam sat down awkwardly. "I'm just gonna run some regular tests." The nurse checks his heart rate and blood pressure before telling him to lie down. Each time she touched him Beam couldn't help but flinch in fear. Forth knows he's scared but it needs to be done. After the regular tests came out normal the nurse grabbed her things to leave. "The doctor will be with you shortly" She says before taking her leave. 

"Thank you" Forth said before standing next to Beam taking both of his hands in his own. "You were so brave baby" He says before pecking Beam's forehead. 

"Yeah?" He says shaking in his seat. 

"Definitely" For says before hugging him tightly. The doctor then enters. 

"Hello my name is Dr. Suthee. You must be Baramee." 

"Just Beam is fine..." He says in a small voice. 

"Ah okay Beam. I looked at your tests and they seem normal. I just need you to take this one last test for me." He hands him a pregnancy test that Beam tentatively grabs before sliding off his chair and walking to the bathroom. 

A few minutes later he comes back and hands the test to the doctor. "We'll check it in about 5 minutes." 

Beam sits there fiddling with his fingers while Forth rubs circles on his back to soothe him. It feels like forever before the doctor checks the test and writes stuff down. "Okay," He starts making Beam jump. "It looks like you're pregnant. Congratulations!" 

In that moment Beam saw all of the blood from Forth's face drain. He knew that in that instant he had disappointed his mate. He didn't want this baby. 

"I need you to start being careful now that you're pregnant. For a male omega it is already hard but for a fated pair it can be different. Let me go through the usual pregnancy phases as well as the proper vitamins he should be taking..." 

Beam POV

I sat there next to Forth but completely checked out to what Dr. Suthee was saying. All I could say was that I was nervous because I didn't know how Forth was going to react. Seeing his face go pale after he heard the news told me that I just ruined everything. After everything we've been through we didn't need this right now. 

I was so busy in my thoughts that I didn't realize the doctor had already made an exit and Forth was helping me stand so that we could leave. I had no idea how I was even able to get in the car by myself. I was completely zoned out when he stopped the car at our apartment. 

"Beam" I didn't even respond. I just stared blankly out the window. "Baby talk to me" I continued to stare. I don't even know what happened except I could feel myself being lifted from the car. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck holding on tightly while he carried me up the stairs. 

When we reached the apartment he went straight to the couch and sat down with me straddling his lap. He leaned in to take a whiff of my scent. "Beam I need you to talk to me." 

After a long silence I spoke. "You don't want this baby." He abruptly looked up and saw how teary eyed I got. 

"Baby why would you say that?!"

"Because I saw your face when we were there! You went pale and then didn't say anything so I thought it was because you didn't want to have a baby and now you don't want me." I started bawling like a baby but I didn't care. I don't even know why I'm being so emotional at this point. 

"Beam of course I want you and our baby. I just got scared because I thought you've been through so much and I didn't know if you wanted to go through the pain of having a baby. I already love you and this baby."


"Really. I love you baby." He said giving me a bunch of butterfly kisses to make my tears go away. 

After I was down to sniffles I looked at him and immediately blushed. "Does that mean I can't be your baby anymore?"

He chuckled before pulling me closer. "You'll always be my baby boy" I blushed harder at the comment before he kissed me sweetly. He then picked me up and twirled me around. "I'm gonna be a daddy!" 

I giggled before I felt my stomach churn. He must have felt it too because he immediately put me down so I could run to the bathroom. I was in there for over an hour before I could get myself to stop. I even asked Forth multiple times to leave but he refused. 

We got ready for bed and laid down before he pulled me closer to him. "I can't wait to see your baby bump." 

I couldn't help but giggle while he rubbed my stomach. "I can't wait for you to be a daddy."

"Until then I can be your daddy" He said winking at me before I smacked him. "But I really need to ask the doctor when you can have sex."

I smacked him again. "Don't say dirty things in front of the baby!" 

"That's been more than once that you've smacked me today. Are you being a bad baby?"

I giggled with excitement. "Maybe"

"Bad babies get punished."

"Not right now though."

"Just wait baby. Once I call tomorrow you'll be in trouble" He said smirking before kissing my forehead. 

"We'll see. Goodnight Daddy." I said snuggling close to him. 

"Goodnight baby boy."


Hi guys. Once again sorry for the slow update on chapters. I hope that this story is good so far. Not sure how many chapters are left but I'm going to try to type a lot out soon. Please be patient and enjoy the update! 

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