Chapter 29

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Third Person POV

Although Forth has fixed Beam's problem, he is dealing with his own problem. That first year girl. Beam was agitated that she was sticking to Forth wherever he went even after he tried to get rid of her. 

Everywhere he goes she follows him whether it be the library, canteen, or even the bathroom she is always waiting for him. Beam has finally had enough and has decided to take measures into his own hands. 

Beam POV

"P'Forth!!" The girl whines while I approach them. She goes to grab his arm before he immediately moves. All I can say is I love how my man never lets her touch him despite her efforts. He knows what would happen if she did. 

"Move bitch. You're blocking my alpha." I say before pushing her out of the way and hugging Forth. I inhale deeply his scent before holding him tighter against me. 

"Hi baby," He says before caressing my back and hugging me back just as tightly. I hear a scoff in the background and turn to look at an extremely annoyed face. 

"Can I help you?" I ask her. 

"Yeah you can start by letting go of MY future mate," she retorts with a smirk on her face. 

I think I hear something snap and before I know what happened I hear a large slap sound that echos in the hallway. I look to see that girl on the floor crying with Kit standing over her. He's breathing heavily with his fists clenched. 

"DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!" He shouts. I can't help but jump at the sudden tone he uses while Forth pulls me into him protectively. 

"P'Kit how could you hit a girl?" She sniffles.

"Oh drop the act. I'm tired of your shit. Get it into your dumb head that Beam and Forth are meant to be together. They're soulmates. Get it? S-O-U-L-M-A-T-E-S!" 

She rolls her eyes at his remark. "I'm so sick of everyone telling me that. I don't understand why that matters. I want him so I don't care who Beam is to him."

"Don't you know what would happen if you ripped a fated pair apart? They could both die from being separated for too long. Are you telling me you're selfish enough to kill two people over your own personal need?!" I put a hand on Kit's shoulder to stop him from saying anything else. 

I went to reach down and help the girl up. I can be mean but I'm not a monster. However, as she grabbed my hand and helped her up she immediately threw me on the floor. It hurt. I immediately smelt Forth's anger and he grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the wall growling. 

"How dare you hurt what's mine!" People we're trying to pry him off while he almost chocked her to death. I got up and brushed myself off before wrapping my arms around his waist. He immediately let go and turned around. 

"Baby are you okay?" He asked while frantically checking my body for any injuries. 

"I'm fine baby," I say brushing his hair out of his face to calm him down. He still looks concerned like he doesn't believe me. I stand on my toes and kiss him deeply. He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer for a deeper kiss before letting me go to breathe. I put my forehead against his and hold onto him tightly. 

"I'm really okay," I whisper and he nods his head before burying his face in my neck inhaling my scent. 

While we were doing out romantic moment I didn't realize that campus security had showed up and had taken her away. By the look she gave me I know that this isn't over. 

Forth POV

I took Beam home before sweeping him off his feet and carrying him to the bed. I was nervous that something was going to happen to him today. He peppered kisses all over my face while holding onto me tightly. 

"Baby I have homework" He states when I place him on the bed. 

"I need you," I say in a low voice. His eyes sparkle in lust and love before pulling me down for a sloppy kiss. He gripped my hair tightly while I climbed on top of him enjoying his pull. I unbutton his shirt and throw it on the ground before caressing his chest. 

"Ah!" He breaks the kiss in order to breathe. His cheeks are flushed while he pants heavily. 

"My baby is so beautiful" I tell him before swarming him with kisses all over his face. He can't help but giggle at the gesture. I slowly slide down his neck biting and sucking to create dark bruises. 

"I'm sorry baby. I can't hold it" I tell him before abruptly flipping him over. I pull down his pants halfway exposing his wet hole while I loosen my jeans and pull out my manhood. I hear him whimper as the cool air touches his lubrication before I slowly enter him. 

"Ahhhhnnnn" He grabs hold of the sheets tightly in his small hands trying to bear with the sudden intrusion. I wait a minute for him to adjust before pulling slowly out before thrusting back in hard.

"Mhnnnn Forth! More!" He's completely lost in the lust. I start to thrust faster grabbing his hips tightly between my fingers. 

He reaches his hand back and grabs my wrist getting my attention. "Take it off..... your clothes." I stop before removing our clothes. I turn him over to lay on his back and he reaches his arms out for me. I hold onto him tightly before sliding back into his warmth. He squeezes me before I start to move again. 

"Nghnnn.. So good" He says running his fingers through my hair. 

"I love you" I say before thrusting faster. 

"Ahhh I love you too!" He says before kissing me harshly. I embrace him tightly enjoying the feeling I have with him in my arms. 

After a few more thrusts I feel his body start to shake. "Forth! I want-Ahhhh!" 

"I know baby. Cum for me." He throws his head back as his cum starts to squirt between us. After a few more hard thrusts I cum inside of him deeply. 

"Ahhhhh!!!!" He grabs me tightly feeling my cum enter him. I let him come down his high as we both breath heavily. I pull out of him and I look at him as his eyes start to droop. 

"Hold on baby shower first." He slowly nods his head and reaches out for me. I chuckle at his cuteness. "What's gotten into you? You're so clingy today" I say as I carry him in the shower. I wash both of us, get us dressed, change the sheets and jump into bed with him. He clings onto me tightly. I kiss his head before falling asleep. 

In the early morning I'm awakened by Beam shuffling in the bed. "Baby?" I say sleepily. I feel his discomfort before my stomach churns. He jumps from the bed and runs to the bathroom throwing up. 

"Baby?" I call again. I follow after him and rub his back as he continues to throw up in the toilet. After a few more times he flushes the toilet and rinses his mouth out. 

"You okay?" I ask while he clings to me. He shakes his head rubbing his tummy. 

"Something feels weird." I put my hand on his forehead and check his temperature. 

"You don't have a fever. We should go to the hospital just in case." 

I go to grab my shoes when he tugs on my shirt. I look at him and see fear. "What if.... What if I'm.." A sudden realization hits me. Is Beam pregnant?!


Hi guys. Sorry it's been so long and sorry for the cliff hanger. I've been doing my best to update as soon as I have free time. I am working on the sequel to this book at the same time as I've been trying to do updates in order to get ahead. Thank you for being patient and supporting me with this book. Although, let me know your opinions about another book being made after this one. Enjoy!

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