Chapter 5

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"Can't you tell? He smells like Honey. Its intoxicating."

I let those words sink in while I stood there. Honey? How could Beam smell like honey when he practically bathes in scent neutralizer.

"That doesn't make any sense. Beam uses scent neutralizer to hide the fact that he is an omega from people."

"Well I can smell it from a mile away." I could tell that Forth was frustrated from the uncontrollable shaking of his leg. "This is why I said he is my fated omega. He has a scent just for me. He was made for me." He put emphasis on each of those last few words making me become mad again.

Before I could say anything my phone vibrates. It's Kit. 


I don't even know what happened. All I know is I pushed Beam into my car and tried to drive quickly to his apartment. He kept groaning and moaning in pain while pulling at his clothes.

"It hurts Kit."

He kept saying it over and over again the whole time while gasping in between breaths. As a Beta, I've never really had to deal with the pheromones aspect of an omega because I do not feel it like an alpha. However, I've seen Beam go into heat before and this is way more intense then it has ever been. I drag him upstairs and lock the door before calling Pha.

The moment he answers I'm already in a panic. "What's going on?!"

"How's Beam?"

"Something's wrong. He keeps moaning that he is in pain and I can't do anything. Why did he go into heat now?! It's too early and it looks bad and I don't know what to do."

"Calm down and let me think for a minute!" I hear silence on the other line for what feels like an eternity before he answers. 

"I'm bringing Forth there. He's Beam's fated alpha and he needs him right now" He says before he hangs up.

Forth POV

I'm sitting here listening in on a one-sided conversation before I hear Pha say that he's bringing me there.

"What's going on?" I stand with impatience. I feel like I'm barely hanging on by a thread at this point.

"If what you said is true then Beam needs you right now. Because of the encounter you just had, he's been forced into heat before he should be and Kit says he's in a lot of pain. He needs you right now, but you cannot bond with him. Do you hear me? He won't be sane enough to give you consent."

Before I can say anything Pha walks away. I run after him leaving Lam behind. He's taking me to Beam. I can't help but smile at the thought

Beam POV

"Kit..." I try to call him after he hangs up the phone. 

"It's okay Beam. Pha is on his way here with Forth.

Forth? That name again. "Why?"

Kit hesitates to answer me before slowly responding in a low tone. "Pha said he's your fated alpha."

I look at him confused. My fated alpha?


Hi guys. It's another chapter update. Let me know what you think

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