Chapter 32

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Third Person POV

"Alright Beam. Tell me what's going on?" Dr. Suthee states.

"Well I was feeling alright but after lunch today when I stood up I was feeling a sharp pain in my side here." Beam points to the spot while the doctor rubs to take a look. He examines Beam before talking.

"Have you been stressed out recently?"

"Yes. School has been extremely stressful. I was worried about the strain it was having on me and the baby traveling to classes so I called my future father-in-law to see about taking classes online until the baby comes so I'm not so worked up."

Forth looks at Beam surprised. He didn't know about his decision to be at home. That's one less conversation to have with his mate. 

"That might actually be a good option. As a male omega, your body is much more sensitive during pregnancy which means you need to take extra care of yourself. I think that taking the strain of going to class would help you recover. It's the beginning of your pregnancy, so it'll be rough at first. There is nothing to worry about too much."

"And the pain?" Forth questions. 

"Mostly from stress. I can give you an ointment to rub there if you'd like but don't stress. Once Beam is at home taking it easy it should go away in the next day or two." 

"That would be great. Thank you so much Dr. Suthee." Forth exhales deeply in relief.

"You can also resume those activities once Beam is feeling up for it." 

Beam looks away embarrassed while Forth smirks. He can't wait to punish his baby for last time. He surely didn't forget what Beam did to him. 

"You can grab the ointment from the front desk when you leave." With that the doctor exits the room. 

"You ready to go baby?"

Beam nods his head before lifting his arms up signaling he wants to be picked up. Forth smiles and immediately gives him what he wants. Beam clings to his alpha for comfort while being carried out. If there's one thing Forth loves about this pregnancy it's how clingy Beam has become. 

"How'd it go?" Yo asks as they exit. 

"I'm okay buddy. Just minor pains. I will need to be on bed rest. No more school for me for right now."

"Don't worry Beam. I will talk to my father and Forth's father to arrange something with the school for you to be at home while doing school."

"Thanks Pha. I'd appreciate that a lot." Forth says. He walks up to the front desk where the same nurse is and angrily growls at her for my ointment. She grabs it quickly before we leave. 

"My baby was so hot." Beam giggles against him. 

"Baby don't be bad. I still remember what you did last time." Beam gasps before clinging onto his alpha. 

"Sorry" He whispers being placed in the car. 

"I know." Forth replies before pecking his forehead and buckling him in. 

They reached the house with Beam sound asleep. Forth carefully took him out of the car and carried him to their apartment. He laid him down and tucked him into bed before going to make dinner. 

After he finished making dinner, he decided it was time to wake up his mate. 

"Beam" He carefully shook his shoulder. 

"Baby wake up." 

"Noooooooo" Beam moaned before moving to his side. He let out a hissing sound from moving to his side. 

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