Chapter 11

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Beam POV

It's been months now and my relationship with Forth has been going good, but something has been bothering me. He hasn't made any move to bond with me. As much as we touch each other and do some other things, he never attempts to fully mate with me. Even after all this, what really bothers me is the fact that he hasn't said I love you. As cheesy as that sounds I just need confirmation from him that this relationship is real. Even though we are a fated pair, you really can't help but feel lust towards your partner by force. Maybe he feels forced to be with me since he didn't say anything after I confessed.

A week ago...

"Thanks for taking me out to dinner tonight. I had a nice time." - Beam

"Of course" Forth says caressing my cheek with his hand. I can't help but lean into it with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Wait" I grab onto his jacket before he has a chance to leave.

"What's wrong?" I lean in and hug him tight.

"I just wanted to say thank you for being with me. Although I felt like a disgrace for being an omega and my family disowned me, I've never been happier being who I am because at the end of the day I get to be with you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and..." I take a deep breath. " I love you."

I feel him tightly hug me back before kissing my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" And with that he leaves me there standing in front of my room.


He's been so cold to me after that night. I don't know if I did something to upset him or if I'm just being silly. Maybe he doesn't want me anymore. I try to shake that thought away immediately as I enter Kit's room.

After a while of studying in silence I can't take it anymore. "Do you think Forth is tired of me?"

He looks up from his textbook confused. "Of course not. Why would you say that?"

I go over the whole situation with him to see what he thinks about it.

"Beam, I think you should just talk to him about it. Maybe there's a reason behind it. Don't just assume something else okay?"

I could only nod before looking down at my books again. Maybe he was right. I'm just worrying for nothing. I decide to go to the engineering faculty tomorrow to ask.

The next day

I tried to call Forth. He isn't picking up any of my calls. I decide to just show up at his faculty for lunch. When I get there I see him sitting at his table with a girl. They're laughing and he brushes her hair behind her ear before smiling at her. They're so intimate. I can't help but feel my eyes swell with tears before they begin to fall.

"Hey N'Beam. Are you okay?" P'Kong walks up to me looking concerned.

"P'Kong..... why does it hurt so bad?" I'm sobbing uncontrollably now but I don't care. He looks over to see Forth with his arm around that girl.

He grabs my hand and walks me over to the table. I'm trying to fight him but he's too strong. When we get there Forth looks up confused. "Beam what's wrong?"

P'Kong grabs him by the collar and lifts him out of his seat. "How could you do this to Beam?" He growled. "I told you to take care of Beam you asshole!" He punches Forth to the ground full force out of anger. I'm still standing there crying watching what happened. Forth staggers to get up before looking at me.

All I can do is muster out a few words. "Did you ever love me at all?"

When he was completely silent P'Kong hits him again before grabbing my hand and dragging me away. He doesn't love me.

I'm forced into P's car before we drive away. "P where are we going?"

"Someplace safe" he answered before giving me a reassuring smile. I sit in the car patiently until we get to a nice apartment. I follow him upstairs until he opens the door to what I assume is his place.

"I'm home. I've brought-" he doesn't get to finish because a man jumps on him and hugs him tight before giving him a big kiss.

"I missed you" he said.

"Oh P'Arthit you're embarrassing me." He now notices I'm here.

"Hello who are you? Wait why are you crying? Kong!" He smacks his arm hard. "What did you do?"

"P'Arthit I didn't do anything." I could see he was pouting. Weird to see P'Kong look like that.

"He didn't do anything P. He helped me." I say looking miserable. "I'm Beam" I say still looking at the floor.

"Nice to meet you Beam. I'm Arthit Kong's omega. Come in."

I walk in and take a seat at the table. P'Kong disappears in the room while his mate brings me a glass of water. "Thank you P"

"Oh no need to be formal. You can just call me Arthit."

An awkward silence breaks into the room. "So..... how long have you and P'Kong been together?"

"Over ten years." I look at him astonished. That's a long time for someone so young. "Does it ever get easier?"

"Oh Beam. Nothing is ever easy in this type of relationship. As omegas, we have no choice but to wait for the alpha we are meant to be with and hope that we are lucky enough to be loved by them."

"What if we're not.... I mean lucky you know?" He looked shocked by my question.

"Beam, you are special you know that. As pure blood omegas, we are rare amongst ourselves. Raised in pure blood Alpha bloodlines only to become a pure blood omega. We're treated as equal with our alphas because we bond with them a different way. Not only our bodies, but also our emotions and everything else are tied together with our alphas. That is why our bond is so special." I feel tears falling again and he grabs both of my hands. "It will always be hard for us because we are different, but the alphas we get are chosen for us for a reason. You'll be cherished."

"But, I don't think my Alpha loves me Arthit"

"Then show him that you're willing to do everything to make him fall in love with you. You can't choose your Alpha, but you two are meant to be together." I see P'Kong put his hand on Arthit's shoulder after that and they smile at each other

They have me stay for dinner before they send me on my way. "Talk to him Beam okay?" Arthit says before giving me a big hug. P'Kong gives me a reassuring smile and I nod before I leave.

Third person POV

"Oh Kong. I hope he'll be okay."

"I think he will be. Now... about that smack earlier"

Arthit could see the lust in his mates eyes with an evil smirk on his face. He couldn't help but blush knowing it would be a long night.

Hi guys. I think the next chapter is gonna be a steamy one. Thanks for reading and I'd like to comment that this weeks episode of 2 moons season 2 had me squealing over Forth and Beam. I can't wait to see next weeks episode. Hope you like the chapter :)

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