Chapter 14

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Third Person POV

It's still dark outside when Beam is wakened from a feeling on his behind.

"Mmmmm Forth? What are you doing?" Forth is laying behind him pressing his body against Beam's back.

He feels his alphas hands grip his waist as he rubs his erection against his hole. Beam tries to resist, but he feels the arousal from his mate causing him to get hard again. 

"So wet." Beam feels Forth suddenly enter him with a grunt.

"AHHHH!" Beam moans while placing his hands on Forth's who is holding his waist while thrusting into him deeply.

"Feels... so good.. Beam baby" Forth moans out as he lifts up Beams leg to gain more access. He reaches for Beam's manhood before stroking it at the pace of his thrusting.

"AH Forth.. so good mhhhhh... harder.. faster AH" Beam is moaning like crazy now as he feels his release. 

After a few more thrusts Beam cums while he feels Forth release his white seed inside of him. They're both panting hard while Forth rests his forehead on Beam's back. Once they both calm down Forth slowly pulls out. 

"You okay?" He brushes Beam's hair out of his face and caresses his flushed cheeks. 

Beam turns around before straddling himself on top of Forth. "More" He says before he inserts Forth's manhood inside of himself and starts moving his own hips. 

"AHHHH so deep!" He gasps as he moves faster. Forth's hands are on Beam's waist as he helps him move pushing himself deeper into Beam. 

"Mhhhhh Forth... I Ahhhh.... I love you.... Ah.. so much" Beam struggles to formulate a coherent sentence as he feels his release coming again. 

"I love you too Beam" Forth says before pulling Beam down for a passionate kiss. He felt Beam gasp taking the opportunity to explore his mouth with his tongue. He thrusts hard upward to meet Beam's movements. 

"F-Forth... I'm cuming."

"Me too Beam." They both cum at the same time. Beam lays on Forth's chest trying to catch his breath before he's rolled over to lay on his back by Forth before he feels him start to move again. 

"Ahh Forth... no more...." 

"But you're so slick inside" Forth could feel Beam's lubrication mix with his sperm inside of Beam and he couldn't stop.

He kept doing beam. After eight or nine rounds Beam finally passed out from too much activity. Forth brushed his hair away from his face before pulling out and cuddling with him.

"Good night baby" He says before kissing the top of his head and falling asleep.

Beam POV

I wake up to the sun shining in my face. It's only 7:30am. I go to move when I feel an extreme pain in my ass. I look at Forth who is sleeping peacefully and I can't help but growl before shoving him off the bed. He hits the floor and immediately sits up.

"Beam what's wrong?"

"I told you no more last night and now look. I can't even get up!" I feel my tears starting to build. It hurts so bad. Forth can feel that I'm in pain before he gets on the bed and starts to massage my lower back to relieve some of the pain.

"I'm sorry baby. I couldn't resist last night. I didn't know you would be in this much pain. Let me get you a pain killer okay?"

I nod my head while he runs to the bathroom to get a cup of water and medicine before coming back and helping me sit up to take it. I'm still pouting because I can't do anything. Good thing it's a weekend otherwise I would never make it to class like this. 

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