Chapter 9

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Beam POV

I sigh in relief as our last class ends. I'm so exhausted. "Guys, why is medicine so hard? My brain hurts."

"Tell me about it. I feel the stress." Kit groans as we get up to leave. "Are we going out tonight?"

"I can't. Forth is picking me up," I try not to blush at the comment. Pha and Kit just roll their eyes.

"Do you want us to wait for him with you?" Pha asks.

"No it should be fine. I'll just wait in the parking area." I wave goodbye before heading out. 

As I walk I can't help but feel that there's someone following me. I turn around but I don't see anyone. When I turn back I bump into someone. "I'm so sor-"

"Hey Beam." I look up to see who it is.

"Oh um hi P'Ren." I try not to make eye contact. Why is he always around?

"Where are you headed? Want to get something to eat?" 

"Um no thank you. I'm about to leave actually. I have plans." I try to force my nicest smile at him. 

"Are they important?"

"Mmm" I say nodding my head vigorously. "Again sorry but not today." I turn to leave when I feel him grab my hand. It's such a tight grip I try not to wince at the pain. "What's wrong?"

"Are you going to your Alpha." I gulp at his sudden claim.

"I don't see how that's any of your business P'Ren." I try to remove my hand but he grips it tighter. 

"I won't let you go. You're coming with me."

I try to pull back with force. His grip is so tight that I hear a snap sound before I feel a large surge of pain travel through my hand. I start panicking when he's getting closer to me. "I'm not yours I'm Forth's!" I scream. 

I suddenly see P'Ren on the floor with Forth towering over him breathing heavily. 

"What the fuck are you doing?!" he shouts.

Forth POV

I get out of class and immediately rush to the medical faculty. I don't know why but I feel like something is wrong. When I get there, I don't see Beam in the parking area. I get off my bike and start looking around. I hear something down the hallway. I turn the corner and that's when I see that stupid guy with his hands on Beam. My Beam.

I hear Beam shout "I'm not yours I'm Forth's," and I see red. I immediately run over there and punch the stupid guy. He lets go of Beam and is on the floor. I grab him by the collar. "Don't you ever come near him again do you hear me!? EVER!" I punch him a few more times until he's laying on the floor with a bloody face.

I stop when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Forth..."

I turn around and see Beam in tears. I immediately pull him into my embrace. "I'm so sorry are you okay?" I can hear him crying and I stroke his head while whispering in his ear to soothe him. I look at the guy on the floor before picking up my phone and calling Pha. Yes I asked for his number in case of emergencies.


"Where are you right now?"

"Well me and Kit were going to eat-"

"Beam was attacked" I cut him off. "I need you guys to come and help me please." I tell him where we are before cutting the line. 

I look at Beam to see if he is alright when I see a look of pain and discomfort. "What's wrong?"

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