Chapter 28

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Third Person POV

It was that time again for the Moon and Star competition and much to his dismay, Beam was chosen to help the first years with their routine and schedule. This meant he would have even less time to spend with Forth, but he was more annoyed by all of the alphas that kept making advances at him. 

Beam POV

"P'Beam will you go on a date with me?" The moon of the business department asked. 

"No." I responded back annoyed. 

"But P'Beam we want a fair chance with you." The star from the science department stated. 

"No!" I yelled back. 

After I had been asked again I finally snapped. "Listen up first years!" I shouted. They all halted and turned to listen to me. "I don't want to hear any more attempts at asking me out. I already have a mate and I am bonded. You hear me? BONDED!" Everyone game me bank stares but I continued. "If anyone else says something to me I will tell my alpha to come here and kick your ass!" I was breathing heavily but enough was enough. 

After a long pause half of them started to laugh. "P'Beam you're so funny!" I rolled my eyes before leaving. 

The only two that were keeping quiet were the star and moon from engineering. 

Forth POV

"Um P" I turned around to see first years staring at me. 

"What do you want?" I retorted angrily. I had enough on my plate with the other first year girls stalking me. 

The girl spoke up. "Um we wanted to talk to you about P'Beam." My head snapped in her direction and she looked scared. "I mean we are the star and moon of our faculty this year and we love how you and P'Beam are together but...."

"But?" I didn't have patience for this right now.

The boy spoke this time. "But P'Beam is being harassed by a lot of the other alphas in the competition. He told them to leave him alone otherwise they have hell to pay from you but no one is taking him seriously. They don't know who his alpha actually is." He gulps when I lowly growl. 

"What do you want me to do about that?"

"We were hoping you could come and say something for him. We know how much you love him and as our head hazer we want what's best for you." He says looking down. 

I breathe out trying to calm down. "Thanks nong. When's the next gathering?"

Beam POV

I walked through the door of my apartment to be greeted by the wonderful smell of a cool ocean breeze. "Forth? Are you home?" I turn to put my stuff down only to be abruptly picked up and spun around. I can help but squeal and latch onto my mate. 

"Hi baby." He says before pecking my nose. 

"You scared me." I say holding onto him tightly. He chuckles at my reaction. 

"Sorry. I just missed you."

"I missed you too." I say kissing his forehead. I look into his eyes and see a flash of worry for a second.  "What's wrong?"

"Nothing baby." He tries to put me down but I hold him tightly. 

"I know something is wrong. Tell me." I pout looking straight in his eyes. He sighs before walking over to sit with me in his lap on the couch. 

"I heard about what happened at the competition today." He says stroking my hair. I tense up and start to get scared. 

"I'm not mad. Just worried. Do you want me there?"

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