Chapter 24

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Forth POV

This has been the hardest thing I've ever done. The first week the nightmares increased the first few days and I woke up screaming for Beam, but no matter what I said P'Kong wouldn't let me see him. I broke a lot of stuff and we even got into some fist fights, but he wouldn't let me go so I gave in to my fate. If I asked about Beam, he just said that he was okay and he was still with P'Arthit. I just needed to see him once to make sure he was doing good, but I know I need to stay strong for Beam. 

It was now the second week and the nightmares have completely gone. I no longer wake up in a cold sweat, but I feel a longing for my omega. The bond we share is intense and it is painful for me to stay away from him just like P'Kong said. However, I'm finally starting to feel like myself again. 

"Morning." P'Kong was making breakfast. 

"Morning." I said before sitting down at the table. He placed two sets of food on the table before sitting down with me. 

"You look pretty good today. Sleep well?" 

"You know for once I actually did." 

"I called P'Arthit today." I looked at him with hopeful eyes. "He said Beam has exams coming so he is studying like a maniac, but is doing just fine. Also.... he misses you but is proud that you're doing good with this." 

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm doing my best to make him proud too. Also I don't want to let you and P'Arthit down either."

He patted my shoulder in encouragement. "You're doing just fine Forth. Better than me for sure."

It was now the third week and I no longer feel anxious. I missed my Beam but I think I really just missed his laugh or when his nose scrunched up when he was thinking too hard. I miss waking up to him each morning or our kisses we shared. I know he's doing great. I heard he aced his exams and is doing good on school. P'Kong no longer has to escort me to class because I don't feel like I need to run to my omega every five seconds anymore. I've had a lot of time to think and I was acting crazy around Beam. He must have been so worried, but no more. I am better now. He is safe even without me sticking to him and that's what matters. 

I was walking to the canteen when P'Kong stopped me. "What's up P?"

"So I was thinking.... Do you want to go and see Beam today?" I looked at him confused. "I know it hasn't been a month yet but just to see him. You can't talk to him or anything, but just a check up. I used to do it to P'Arthit when I was doing okay too." 

"That would be great." I smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time. We went to Meds and then I caught a whiff of my beautiful omega. "Here he comes" I whispered before I spotted him walking with his friends. He was beaming in the sunlight. Gorgeous. He sat at his table and laughed and I couldn't help but smile. I could feel myself staring, and start to crave for him. "We should go." I told P'Kong. I stood up and made my way back. 

"You sure?"

"Yeah. If I look any longer I'll want him." He could feel my lust coming and giggled before following me out. 

Beam POV

It's finally the fourth week and I can't wait to see Forth. I'm getting restless. The first two weeks I was so depressed that P'Arthit did everything he could to cheer me up. He was also missing his alpha so we understood each other. By week three I was okay. I heard that Forth was great and that made me feel relieved and less stressed. P'Kong said he was back to his old self and I'd get to see him. My Alpha

I know that during the third week he came with P'Kong to watch me at lunch. I didn't see him, but I could smell his scent and that was enough for me. It actually made me aroused and I blushed from the thought. I was deprived of him for too long and it was making me too horny. P'Arthit told me to calm down but he was worse because of the pregnancy. I know that once our alphas saw us they would pounce. 

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