Chapter 21

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Forth POV

It's been hours and Beam still hasn't come home yet. Where is he? I start to get worried so I decide to look for him. I grab my stuff and open the door before abruptly stopping myself. I see Beam's keys and phone on the floor in front of the door but he is nowhere to be found. 

"Beam?" I look around but there is nothing. I pick up his phone to see that the screen is cracked. I start to think of the worst. "Beam?!" My voice is shaking. I don't know what else to do so I pick up my phone and call Pha. 

"Hey Forth what's up?"

"Is Beam with you?"

"Um no he isn't why?"

I take a deep breath and try to calm down. "I can't find him Pha." I choke out.

"WHAT?!!" I explain the best I can as to what I know before he says he's coming over with Yo. After I hang up I decide to call my parents. 

"Forth baby what's going on? You never call so suddenly." My mom seems worried. 

"Is dad there?" My voice sounds hoarse as I'm trying not to cry. 

"Of course!" She quickly hands the phone to my dad. 

"Hey buddy what's up?"

"He was taken dad. Beam was taken."

"I'm on it. Don't worry." He says before hanging up. 

Beam. Where are you?


Vongviphan Reidence

Beam POV

I slowly open my eyes and look at my surroundings. My head is pounding like crazy. I groan as I begin to sit up but I feel something pulling me. I look around and see my room. Shit. I'm home. I try to get off the bed but I can't move. My hands are chained to the bed. I pull frantically but nothing. I sigh after a while and sit back against the head board. After a while the door opens and my father steps in. 

"Beam. So nice to see you again."

"Cut the crap." I glare at him. "Why am I here?"

His face immediately goes cold. "My that's no way to talk to your father boy."

I chuckle. "Father? What type of father throws their son out of the house and then kidnaps them years later you bastard!"

"Now Beam. I know we've how our differences but this time it's different. You can help me now."

"Help you? What makes you think I want anything to do with you?"

"I'm in need of money here Beam. I can't lose my title as a rich family. It would be disgraceful on the pure-blood alpha line."

I scoff. "As if I care what happens to that. I'm not even a part of the same bloodline anymore."

"Exactly! You and your brother are part of a rare bloodline. I already have some interested buyers who are willing to save me if you just go with them."

"Go with them? How could you possibly think I would do that when I already have my fated pair."

"Your fated pair?"

"Yes. I'm already marked by my alpha. You can't sell an omega that's already bonded. It's illegal!"

"Yes, but your brother is not bonded yet."

"You leave Yo alone! I've left him somewhere safe so even if you tried you can't have him."

"We'll see Beam. We'll see." He says before stepping out of the room. 

I try to pull on the chains again but still no luck. Pha. Please protect Yo. 

Forth POV

I don't know what to do. Pha is here and Yo is crying because of Beam. He thinks it's his fault that we've lost him since he refused to go home. Pha is trying to calm him down while I'm on the phone with my father. He has located Beam's house and is preparing to get us inside now. The perks of being part of an elite pure blood alpha family. Plus, my parents would do anything for Beam. 

"Pha. My dad has found Beam, but we need a diversion."

"Okay. Whatever it is we're in."

"We need to use Yo."

He immediately hugs Yo. "No! You can't send him in there!" 

"Please? We need him to save Beam."

"No!" He grips Yo tighter in his embrace. I can tell his alpha instincts are kicking in. "I can't lose him!" 

"P'Pha. Look at me." Yo caresses his face until he meets his gaze. "It's gonna be okay. I need to save Beam. He's helped me so much and he even let us be together. Beam has given me everything. Please? I need to help him."

Pha looks hesitant to agree. I understand how he feels. I'd be the same with Beam. 

"Please P'Pha?" He sighs before nodding in agreement. Yo smiles before grabbing his face. "Thank you." He says before kissing Pha on the lips. "I love you." I can see Yo is blushing and so is Pha. After a few minutes I clear my throat. 

"As much as I want to let you guys have a moment, we need to get Beam out of there." 

"Okay. What's the plan?"

It's simple really. My dad has the mansion surrounded. He just needs Yo to go in and find Beam to know where he is. Once he's secured he will signal the team to let them know that they can get him from inside. As long as there's no surprises then me and Pha can grab our boys and leave. 

"I'll do it P'Forth. Don't worry. I already know where Beam is inside the house."

"Okay. We're going now then."

Beam POV

I'm still trying to plan my escape when my father opens the door again. "Good news Beam. I have someone here who would love to see you. He's going to give me a lot of money just for you."

"I already told you dad. I have MY ALPHA. You can't sell me to anyone. Plus, who would buy and already mated omega?"

Just then. I see a tall man walk in. I stop breathing. I know him. How could I forget this person. The way he smirks as he strolls in. I can barely muster out the words. "P............P'Ren?"

"Hello Beam" He smiles at me. "Long time no see." 

"No... You can't sell me to him!" I'm pulling against the chains panicking. I hear a crack on the bed and keep pulling pretending I didn't hear it. I do this until I feel breath hit my neck. Startled I scoot away from him.

"I told you one day you'd be mine."

I glare at him. "I will never be yours. I belong to Forth!" His smile disappears and rage takes over. He slaps me hard and I can taste the blood on my lip. 

"We'll see Beam." He says before leaving the room. 

I wait a little while before looking back at my chains. The bed is starting to break. I turn my body and begin kicking it hard. After about 10 minutes I am able to snap the bar and pull the chains free. They fall to the floor. Just as I try to run out the door I am abruptly pushed back in. 

"You think I'd just leave you like that? Oh no. You owe me and I'm here to collect."

I try to crawl away but he pushes me down hovering over my back. "You may be Forth's but after I'm done with you, he'll never want you ever again." 

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