Chapter 19

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Vongviphan Residence

"What do you mean you don't have them!" Mr. Vongviphan is yelling at his head security guard.

"We're sorry sir. Beam fought us off and then two alphas came to save the boys."

"That's no excuse! You should have gotten them. Now we have to try something else. Someone I know who can do the job correctly."


Third Person POV

Beam slowly opens his eyes and stares at his surroundings. His head is pounding and he winces at the pain in his right side. Once his eyes adjust he looks down to see Forth hugging his left arm while he sleeps in the chair. Beam slowly strokes his hair as to not wake him up. 

Forth POV

It's so warm and soft. I feel something touch my hair. I slowly open my eyes and sit up to see Beam looking at me. 

"Baby you're awake!" I go to hug him and forget about his ribs. He winces at the contact. "Sorry..." I am trying to hold my emotions but I can't. I'm anxious and worried and really want to just hold him in my arms. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing a good job because he can sense everything. 

He holds out his arms and smiles at me "Come here silly." I carefully lean into his embrace. I stick my nose into his neck and inhale the beautiful honey scent. He caresses my hair and we just stay like that for a while. 

"Are you really okay?"

"Yeah. My head kind of hurts and so does my side but nothing too bad." I still decide to call the doctor to inform him that Beam is awake. He comes in a checks on him before informing him of his condition.

Once the doctor leaves he asks, "Is Yo okay?"

"He's worried about you. Other than that he didn't get any injuries whatsoever. You protected him well." I pat his head and kiss his cheek before walking outside to inform Pha, Kit, and Yo. 

Yo immediately runs in and I give Pha the look. He grabs Yo by the waist before he can jump on Beam. "Hold on baby. Remember Beam's ribs are broken."

"Sorry P'Pha. I'll be more careful next time." He sits on the edge of the bed where Beam is and gives him a soft hug. After a while I decide to break the ice.

"So... Do you know who those people were?"

"Mmmm they're our fathers security guards." Yo answers.

"Your father's?" Pha asked confused. "Why were they trying to take Beam too then?"

"I don't know. They just told me that they were taking me and yo before trying to shove us in the car. Since they couldn't pry us apart they tried to beat me up so I'd let go of Yo and then they could take us separately."

"I'm sorry P'Beam. I'll be more careful next time."

"Aw it's okay Yo." Beam pinches his cheek. "Next time just make sure you take YOUR P'Pha with you." Yo blushes and nods. They talk for a while before taking a leave. I sit on the edge of the bed and hold Beam's hand.

"Forth what's wrong?"

I try to hold my tears but they just came out. I hadn't even realized I was crying. "I just thought I'd lost you forever." 

He wipes my tears away. "Baby you'll never lose me. No matter what happens I'll always find my way back to you okay?"

I nod my head before burying my face in his chest. 

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